In a world where it pays to belong to a designated victim tribe, a perhaps unsurprising phenomenon is the current rush by some whites, who can’t claim special status by ancestry, to have themselves elevated above criticism by the privileged status of their sexual orientation. Homosexuals have often formed pseudo-clans, perhaps the most famous being the Bloomsbury cabal to undermine Victorian virtues organized by biographer Lytton Strachey around John Maynard Keynes, E.M. Forster, and Virginia Woolf. When Harvard historian Niall Ferguson recently alluded unflatteringly to this immensely well-documented bit of history, he was denounced worldwide for his insensitivity to a powerless victim group. He’d never lecture in this town again!
Ferguson, a financial historian who knows which side his bread is buttered on, immediately apologized.
"who knows which side his bread is buttered on"
A fitting analogy because outside of that old Jewish joke, nobody really cares which side of the bread is buttered.
You say "Victorian virtues" like they were a good thing. You know the Victorian era, don't you? When society was totally respectable and nothing untoward ever happened, except for everything that went on behind the scenes that everyone kept hidden. You know, a slightly more conservative version of the 1950's.
... Holy shit, why is "Clans of Homosexuality" not a novel yet? Someone write that, NOW! I'd pay the price of a book to read something as badass as that!
But coming back to reality (a concept Steve Sailer is demonstrably unfamiliar with), if you had an actual understanding of history, and not just half-remembered stereotypes you think you learned in school but really you just saw in bad Jane Austen adaptations, you'd know that victorians were NOTHING if not perverted. Oh, sure, a land-owners daughters were to be pure until the wedding night, but girls of lower class? Hell, they were practically cattle for the higher-class boys to prey upon, whereupon they'd have nothing left to their names but hang on, I think I understand now why you want to return to victorian values.
Nevermind then. Carry on with your total delusion.
It pays to belong to a designated victim tribe?
How uh, how do I start drawing those checks? Or is this not the world where it pays?
Some of the Bloomsbury Group were very heterosexual. Niall Ferguson's speculation - and that is all it was - on Keynes's being gay was stupid, inaccurate and insensitive, all of which Ferguson has now acknowledged. Besides, attributing the undermining of Victorian virtues to the Bloomsbury Group rather than, say, the calamity of World War I, would be something that its members would have found both immensely flattering and screamingly funny.
Victorian Virtues.
The ones that decided to create work camps in India for charity that killed 94% of the people who entered them during a famine with a 24% death rate? That decided that they would keep exporting food out of Ireland during the Potato famine that could have easily resolved the crisis?
Fuck Victorian Virtues.
Also there's many white groups that have a history of being oppressed. There's a whole history of discrimination against Dirty Whites in America by itself.
"it pays to belong to a designated victim tribe"
Because so many 'conservatives' (actually reactionaries) actually think this, they always like to present THEMSELVES as persecuted.
If the Bloomsbury Group was a 'pseudo-clan', then so is the American Conservative.
Niall Ferguson is a grade A neocon wanker who made a comment about JMK and homosexuals (that JMK's theories were underpinned by the 'fact' that homosexuals don't care as much as proper people about the future because homo's (apparently) can't have children) so stupid that even he realised it, and to his credit appeared genuinely embarrassed. You should at least try to keep up with him.
I would actually agree that the Bloomsbury Group, except Keynes, were a bunch of arseholes.
But that is because they were arseholes, not because of their sexuality.
"is the current rush by some whites, who can’t claim special status by ancestry, to have themselves elevated above criticism by the privileged status of their sexual orientation"
Because only whites are gay. Moron. Why don't you actually learn anything about the Victorian era before you speak, you unconscionable ignoramus.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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