Vicki #conspiracy

Sir, respectfully, you are citing your personal and professional OPINION, in an albeit amusing piece. Unfortunately though, in this regard, the practice you speak of is outside of your experience. You can't be expected to know unless you did the research, which it appears you didn't. The links I give below I rounded up in about 15 minutes. However, there are literally hundreds of papers available on the subject.

The practice of geoengineering or weather modification gained the nickname "chemtrails" by vigilant members of our society. Certainly when strange activity goes on without informing the public or gaining their consent, some of us are led to research why. Do these scientists have as their nefarious goal population control? No, I don't believe so. They actually believe in what they are doing is good for society - certainly it is good for commercial interests. These days they are experimenting with cooling the planet down. A goal of folly as far as I'm concerned and weather modification overall is unethical because they have not gained consent of the population to be experimented upon, and scientists, and now commercial business, are using our shared environment as their private laboratories.

What is most disturbing is what chemicals they are experimenting with. Certainly the most common one is Silver Iodide based on the published reports. However it is difficult to get the information from the companies that do the work. I've tried. Perhaps there is something proprietary about the concoctions, just the same as the Fracking Industry won't tell us what chemicals they are using.

The first link I provide is from a major Canadian city 133 year old Newspaper. Very credible, and they don't do spoof stories. I phoned the Calgary Herald this a.m. to make sure this 2012 article was a bonafide story and they confirmed that it was presented as an online post and it also appeared in print.

The second link is to the company called Weather Modification Inc. You might want to let them and their customers know there is no such thing as what they do for their rather handsomely paid living.


The third link is to a 1966 US Federal Government's paper on proposed Weather Modification. It has simply come to commercial fruition over
the last 20 years or more.


The fourth link is to a 1965 paper of the US National Science Foundation

The fifth link is to the boys themselves - the Weather Modification Group. You might want to let them know that the focus of their work for the last 70 years doesn't really exist.


The sixth link is a 2002 paper regarding the history and ethical considerations of weather modification:

Now, I do (somewhat) apologize for my rather passive-aggressive presentation of the links, but I do get so tired of people just dismissing other people as conspiracy theorists and kooks when we are the ones that have done the research!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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