[In response to a global warming article headlined "Oceans may rise over 4 1/2 feet by 2100":]
All conjecture.
The flood was over after 40 days and He promised to never destroy the Earth by flood again. Stop sweating it!
Granting, for the moment, the ridiculous flood tale, even if God promised he wouldn't wipe out everything with floods, doesn't mean he'd necessarily prevent us from doing so.
God lied when he said a lot of shit.
But you are missing the big picture, and big as in, any biblical truth to a flood was very small-scale, not a world wide phenomenon, which is what is happening with the melting ice caps and global warming. But hey, why let reality cloud your mind? You just go right back to that waking-dream-state that you call religion.
Yeah, stop sweating, or else we'll flood the earth with our own sweat and we'll not only drown, but stink too.
With apologies to Pascal:
If I assert that God will never destroy the Earth by flood again and I am wrong and there is a global, then I'll be dead and it won't matter much. If I assert that God will never destroy the Earth by flood again and no global flood happens in my lifetime, I can blithely go and assume that my God will protect me.
If you deny that God will keep his promise never to destroy the Earth by flood and you are right and there is a global flood, you will be denied the chance to gloat because we will all be dead. If you deny that God will keep his promise never to destroy the Earth by flood and you are wrong and no global flood happens in your lifetime, you will have to put put with the annoying I-told-you-so Christians.
Well, technically speaking, the melting of the polar ice caps wouldn't flood the entire world, it's the immense amounts of ecological damage it would cause that we really have to look out for.
Bad news, dickhead. You are confusing a completely fictitious event with a factual phenomenon. Anyway, why don't you test your theory by investing every dime you possess in some beachfront property? I mean, like, right on the beach.
Demonstrating the internal inconsistency here:
>>The flood was over after 40 days and He promised to never destroy the Earth by flood again. Stop sweating it!<<
Right - but what part of the Flood story says anything about _humans_ fouling up the environment?
You Fail Religious Studies Forever.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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