[Another response to a news story about forthcoming new U.S. $1 coins featuring presidents' faces on them, but presented a bit larger than on most coins because words such as "In God We Trust" will be printed on the edge instead of the face of the coin.]
If we remove, from obvious view, the words "IN GOD WE TRUST", then we, as a nation, will deserve everything we get in the way of judgement from God. You can blame mother nature for just so much !
Here in Australia, we have no mention of god on our currency. Likewise in Europe, there is no mention of god on money. Why is it, then, that you think some god will punish you because you print a phrase about him on the edge of a coin instead of the centre?
The way I see it, at least America has "in god we trust" on their money, whereas nobody else does. Shouldn't god punish the other countries first?
Yes, we don't see other nations suffering for not having such a motto on their currency, nor did we particularly suffer for not having it (nor prosper exceptionally because of having it, as far as I can tell).
But what especially cracks me up here is that he thinks that God would smite the U.S. just because the words are removed "from obvious view" -- not even removed entirely, just taken off the front of the coin. Does he think that God is nearsighted and wouldn't notice that it's still there in the edge print?
And then he goes on to say, "You can blame mother nature for just so much!" I love it! Apart from gender, how is a female personification of nature all that different from God?
~David D.G.
Yes, in Canada we have a only a vague Latin reference to God on our coins. "Elizabeth II D.G. Regina" Elizabeth II by the grace of God, Queen . But that must have saved us from the wrath of hurricane Katrina, even though we legalized same-sex marriage.
The Confederate money didn't have "In God We Trust" on it. In fact, some of the bills had a picture of a pagan godess. Think that's why they lost the war?
Actually, "In God We Trust" wasn't added to coins until the Civil War, and wasn't added to paper money until 1957. God doesn't seem to be as impressed by such silly displays of pseudo-piety as fundies seem to think He is.
As in Canada, we in the UK have the "Elizabeth II D.G. Reg. F.D.", adding the "defender of the faith" bit on. Unless you have a Welsh coin, in which case it says "Pleidiol wyf I'm cwlad". Dunno if it's short for anything, I don't speak a word of Gaelic.
And isn't his mention of Mother Nature as a separate entity a little...blasphemous?
Ok, if we're comparing money slogans... Scottish pound coins have "Nemo me impune lacessit" printed on the edge, meaning "No-one provokes me with impunity". Just as the Welsh version, it's a good, strong, solid slogan.
Unlike "In god we trust", which sounds a bit feeble, really.
God (thinking aloud): "Tra la la la la...what should I do today?
Maybe a hurricane here, tornado there. Hmmm, maybe some pestilence this morning in Southeast Asia. Maybe another AIDS mutation. Fuck I hate those uppity gays."
Gabriel bursts into the room: "God! I carry dire news from your most favored nation! They moved the words "In God We Trust" towards the edge of their new dollar coins!!"
God: "Those little fuckers...Gabriel, warm up the volcano machine. I've got me some smiting to do."
Ok, if we're comparing money slogans... Scottish pound coins have "Nemo me impune lacessit" printed on the edge, meaning "No-one provokes me with impunity". Just as the Welsh version, it's a good, strong, solid slogan.
Unlike "In god we trust", which sounds a bit feeble, really.
Not to mention uncorrect: I'm pretty sure there are many atheists and non-Xian theist who do not trust Babblegod. Heck, the Wholly Babble itself shows Jehovah to be a lying, fickle and sadistic untrustworthy sack of shit.
They were going to acknowledge non-believers with the slogan, "In God Some of Us Trust," but the coin isn't big enough. Seriously, how in the hell are they going to imprint on the edge of a coin? And even if it can be done, wouldn't it be outrageously expensive?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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