Only_Women_Are_Women & Calico #dunning-kruger #moonbat #sexist #transphobia

RE: What lessons have you learned from the transgender craze?


people can be dumber than you'd think physically possible

THIS! "Sex is a spectrum" !?!?!?!

"There's no way to tell men and women apart"???

"Some people are born in the opposite sex body" !?!?!?!

And that's coming out of the mouths of people in leadership and educational positions. That's not 4th graders on the playground. That's people with M.D. after their names.

That porn is irredeemably harmful, and this is still true even if every performer was a consenting adult with no trauma or poverty pushing them into it (which will never be the case in reality).

That society is not only NOT past outdated gender roles, we’re clinging onto them harder than we have in decades. Transgenderism is what you get when you take the assumption that gender stereotypes are real to its logical extreme.

That female separatism to at least some degree is necessary for women to be able to thrive. Sex-segregated spaces are mandatory. Men are not only dangerous, they vastly decrease our quality of life on even a mundane level. They are so astoundingly selfish and entitled even a deeply cynical person like myself finds it hard to believe sometimes. They really do believe that women exist to serve them and have no reason to exist otherwise. They really do believe that their opinions are objective facts and their own narrow perspective, no matter how delusional, is reality. And women have to fall in line because we have no right to personal autonomy.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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