The Fundie Fight Award for most asinine individual achievement, only one can win because I'd rather they both lose.
1) NeoMatrix for Atheist Fundie of the Year
2) Jerry for Troll of the year
NeoMatrix is NOT reformed. He might acknowledge an aspect he had not considered... only to instantly forget about it, go back to spouting his nonsense, and than wondering why no one likes him, no matter how often he is rebuked and refuted. In my opinion, he has proven himself irredeemable without outside help.
"I only want to challenge the status quo and challenge the beliefs of others"
By posting uninformed and simplistic opinions (or at best epousing stuff most people here already agree with) on a website that the average person never heard of? You are not fooling anyone to thinking you're doing any of this in a meaningful way. If you are then you are either a very arrogant and self-serving person with a martyr complex, or just a lazy armchair activist. If you want to "challenge the status quo and. . . the beliefs of others" then actually get physically involved in activism and do community projects that will bring meaningful change to oppressed, disadvantage groups. Or at the very least join a physical public forum/debate club and have an actual conversation about these issues that you supposely care so much about. Hell, you may even come into physical contact with Christians and Muslims (the horror!) and see for yourself that not everyone of them are biblethumpers and terrorists, since clearly you don't believe us when we say so. Maybe then you will learn humility for once and stop having such stereotypical/hateful views on entire groups of people.
If you are actually involved with organizations that do this, either quit them, double-down on your commitments, or find a new group, because obviously your current path isn't working.
It's clear you merely moderating on your views is not enough. It's time you finally put up or shut up. And no amount of whining "I just want to change the world gosh darnit!!! :_( :_( :_(" like a spoiled teenager will change that.
P.S. Work on your humor some more. It is less George Carlin and more Dane Cook currently.
@Into the Unknown
What do you think I do IRL? I am actually involved in secular groups (I joined the FFRF and am active in a secular student alliance on my campus), and I hope to get involved in more of them, so I do actually practice what I believe. I also help run a train show in a nearby town in order to bring much-needed business to it.
That's because in many ways, atheism gave me hope for life - it gives me a good cause to fight for. It helps my utterly crippling depression by reminding me that one life is all that people get, so they need to make it productive. It's too bad I get so emotional about it too, which is a character flaw I admit.
And yeah, I know I'm no George Carlin (RIP in peace), the guy was a genius. I never compared myself to him or claimed to be some comic master though, so I'm not sure why you brought it up.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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