J.B. Shurk #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy americanthinker.com
Why is it that whenever I call customer support to get a replacement for my broken America, I end up on the line with an operator from China? I kid...but only a little. Four separate stories this last week hit the nail on the head:
(1) In defending America's two-tiered (in)justice system currently dedicated to covering up Biden family crimes while persecuting Trump and his supporters, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland had the audacity to declare that any condemnation of the secret police "constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy."
Hear that, plebes? "Democracy" will survive only if the people's voices are silenced and the powerful institutions are obeyed. The opinions of commoners are "attacks," while the crimes of institutions are "essential." To save "democracy," defend the dictatorship!
(2) Pretend President Biden stumbled into California to push his plans for gun confiscation and mocked the idea that the Second Amendment is an essential check against government tyranny. "So what's the deal with the idea that it's an absolute?" Dementia Joe mumbled. "You know, the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots. Well, if [you] want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16."
(3) A federal judge ruled that a student's First and Fourteenth Amendment rights were not violated when school administrators ordered him to remove a shirt with printed text saying, "There are only two genders." The Obama judge concluded that "the shirt invades the rights of others."
(4) Finally, the CEO of Raytheon — one of America's major defense companies — gave an interview in which he stated clearly that "decoupling" from China is impossible.
If only there had been an American president who had warned about the dangers of depending on communist China for America's own defense. Oh, right! — that was one of the major planks of Donald Trump's America First campaign.