Gilamut #racist

Re: Principles of a White Society

Why White Superiority?

It comes down to several, very basic things. The mantra of "every race deserves it own land" is just a non-starter. In today's radio show, the comment was made that "genetic superiority has never gotten us anywhere, and that pressing for White rights or White survivalism is the way to move forward" (or something to that effect). I completely and utterly disagree.

Where has whining about our "rights" gotten us? Absofreakinglutely nowhere. Where has believing and supporting "genetic superiority" gotten us? From the dawn of time to the 1960's, that's where. Thousands of years worth of history versus the past 50 years. OK, I'm getting in front of myself.

Up until the past 50 years, it was common belief in both actions and words that whites were superior to non-whites. It wasn't something that only fringe militants put forth, it was recognized as a simple fact that nobody would shy away from. Whites looked upon non-whites, in fact, as inferior, dirty, nasty, animalistic, dangerous, unintelligent, uncivilized, etc. Whites segregated themselves from non-whites in our personal lives, and in our professional lives......and socially, the thought of miscegenation with them was almost inconceivable. This recognition of the fact that non-whites were not our equals prevented rampant miscegenation and social mixing for millennia. The "every race deserves its own land" NEVER entered the equation.

It was not until the educational indoctrination and special interests gained enough traction to officially (and systematically) push the "equality" myth that the biological imperative to self segregate was overridden. Non-whites were no longer viewed as alien races, but (at first) "different, but the same" - and eventually just "the same"........"equal".

It has gotten to the point that the kwans no longer acknowledge "race" publicly or socially. And if they do, they only mention it is mere passing, with extreme guilt, and stress the "unimportance" of it.

So, let me ask all of you people that believe "Every race deserves its own land" something.

If the general public no longer recognizes "race" and believes that "we are all the human species"......what makes you think they would EVER, for one second, support the notion that there needs to be lands for each race? You know.....that thing they don't even acknowledge exists?

That's the crux of the problem. The general public has been so indoctrinated for the past 2 (going on 3) generations to believe in equality, we are all the same, we all bleed red, there is no real genetic difference between the <ahem> "different peoples of this world", we all share the planet.........they will never support the notion of "each race deserves its own land" until they (once again) acknowledge that there are genetic differences......severe genetic differences between our race, and the other races.

Until the myth of equality is crushed......until things like "economic disadvantage, cultural/religious uniqueness, etc" are completely and utterly defeated as excuses for the alien races' differences, a "racial" territory will never be supported in any way, shape, or form.

In short, the general public has to be made aware (as it was throughout history until the past 50 years) that the differences in race are not simply cultural, but biological. That, IMO, is the first step.

And that is the purpose of white_usa_'s memes. They illustrate, in the most basic and uncertain terms, that there is most definitely a huge difference between *us* and *them*. A difference so large, that it can not simply be excused away as cultural, educational, or economical. Even the poorest of Whites simply cannot fathom ever living the way these aliens do (in their own lands). Even the most uneducated of Whites simply cannot ever relate or imagine themselves acting, behaving, or living like they do.

These memes, the message, plays on the biological impulse to immediately get away from something that is revolting, that makes you simply say "Yuck!" much in the same way that the "dangerous, violent thug" memes are designed to make a person feel unsafe (for good reason) around these non-whites.

No other race on the planet, besides us Whites, has the slightest inclination of believing in "equality". This is a phenomina that is ours, and ous alone. It is one that has only recently (historical) been popularized through systematic indoctrination. And this indoctrination is so strong, so pervase, that even those in our own community shy away from challenging it.

There will never be support for any racial homeland until people believe in race.

People won't believe in race until they acknowlege racial differences are biological, not cultural.

It's just that simple.

We can and should debate the best methods to re-instil the belief in this simple natural fact, how to develop targeted messaging for specific groups of people, etc. But the conversation has to begin there first.

Just my .02



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