Hyacinth & Veneficca #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

( Hyacinth )
I am worried about the men "transitioning" which means no SRS, "trans-genders" not trans-sexuals who will start thinking being a "legal woman" will mean easier access in adopting and fostering as a single man excuse me as "a single woman"

I believe in some places/states adoption & fostering is open to single men? I'm not sure how prevalent it is, but wait, first the transgender pedophiles will start thinking and saying access to kids and infants should be easier then it will become easier, as the holy trans label will allow them to escape the proper scrutiny attended to men and they will claim discrimination and transphobia at every turn.

There are ways around financial roadblocks with multiple pedophilies financing the ploy for trafficked young victims. Nothing stoping "a mother" from leaving the country with her child.

Really dark days a head of us.

( Veneficca )
Yep, I've had the same fears. Can you imagine someone like Yaniv offering to foster young girls? TIMs holding playdates with other TIMs? Pedo paradise.

It's always the most disadvantaged and vulnerable hurt by this. Women in shelters and prisons. Foster kids. It's a never ending horror film.



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