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Discussion Do Incels have it better in Western or Eastern Europe?

Western Europe Votes: 21 43.8%
Eastern Europe Votes: 27 56.3%

My opinion: Slavcels have it worse.

In Eastern Europe they still have the traditional system without its just justification (e.g. providing safety/stability for men), but also the liberal degeneracy, so you have a toxic mixture between the worst parts of tradition (e.g. high demands for men) and the worst parts of liberalism (e.g. limitless freedom without responsibilities for women).

In many Western European Nations the society is so atomized that you aren't even forced to contribute to it or conform to any standards while this is not the case in these countries. In the West you can at least do LDARing with no financial problems and be completely removed from the society that doesn't care about you. Furthermore, there is also the wealth of the west.

I fully agree. our smv is low af in both E Euorpean countries and W European. western man has much easier time mating with slav women, while slav men are non existant to anybody besides slavic women and maybe noodlewhores. Ive seen tinder experiment in which british slut rejected chadlite bc he revealed that he's polish.

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