Various commenters #wingnut #racist

It's so more than just "They're not White!"

Firstly, Asians are completely heartless and soulless. They have the worst animal abuse levels out of any other race. Worse than Jews, worse than blacks.

And this alone makes them incompatible with White peoples, White cultures, and White civilizations. White people have an inherent love of animals, even the ones we consume.

On top of that, Asians are inherently anti-White. They hate White people, so why should we want them in our countries? When they settle in White countries, they create little colonies that White people aren't allowed in. It's a different type of invasion tactic: slowly, but concretely.

Asians have invaded White homelands by the hundreds of millions. And yet some of you want us to believe that Asians are great people who should be welcomed into White countries, as if they're not doing us any harm?

I never understood the WN hatred for Asians.

"They're not White!"

Some of them are brown but some Asians are lighter than White people.

- IQ
- Tribal/loyal to their own
- Mostly stable nations
- Tight knit families
- Very patriarchal
- Racist
- Most of them are hard workers in school and profession
- Most of them are in shape
- Technologically advanced
- Good food (except for eating dogs)


I'm surprised anyone is still buying into the "model minority" myth when Asians are now hysterically ranting about White racism while blacks rob their stores and beat them senseless.

They've taken their masks off.

@Nature_and_Race there are great peoples amongst the Asian races that have accomplished great feats and built great wonders, but our evolution across the millennia has lead to the creation of cultures so alien and bizarre to one another that they're entirely incompatible. It's best that we both stay in our own spaces. History shows that only conflict and degeneracy arise from our interactions.

@Nature_and_Race non-Whites just don't belong in our societies. for me it has nothing to do with whether I approve of their inherent natures and behaviours or not. Their very presence within our borders IS the damage, and is the danger.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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