
Objective Scrutator #fundie bconservativesunitedb.blogspot.com

Speaking from a legal standpoint, there is plenty of evidence to impeach Soetoro (birth certificate, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, capitulation towards UN wrt. Libya, ISIS crisis, Berghdal incident, fleeing from Iraq, Osamacare, border crisis, expansion of all government bureaucracies, absolutely anything to do wrt. Eric Holder, Marxism, Islam, Black Liberation Theology, atheism, abortion, gay agenda, promotion of the global warming fraud, refusal to wear flag pin, refusal to put hand over heart during Pledge of Allegiance, opposition to the flag burning amendment, and there’s probably a lot more). Sensible people can find the relative provisions in the Constitution which would impeach him.

Speaking from a political standpoint, keep in mind that the Dementocrats completely disprove of the Republican Party, so there is no political capital to be lost by legitimately pushing for impeachment. Moderates can be won over if they are exposed to the truths of the Hussein Administration. His disapproval rating is higher than his approval rating, meaning that impeachment can only be a success.

Speaking from a moral standpoint, Osama and the rest of the Dementocrats deserve to meet the same fate as the Rosenbergs did. We used to execute traitors, now we give them the Presidential office. If we don’t want to look like international laughingstocks, then that is our only option.