
Wayne #racist blog.hiddenharmonies.org

Who says we are not taking action. Its easy. I try and assault a white man a day in Hong Kong. One day I’m gonna push a white man in front of a bus, and then say it was just an accident —that he walked into me. Easy to do in Hong Kong.
Other things I do is wreck relationships, stymie work colleagues, sabotage, and rip-off whites. Terrorize their children. Walk into interracial couples and smash them.

All fun things.

I try and live as Professor Derrick Bell advises: “I live to harass white folks”.
Another thing I am working on is to start a race war between yellows and whites.
One day when a truly patriotic chinese regime takes place in China we are going on a rampage against chinese traitor bitches, white men yellow fevered losers, and their mongrel offspring. We are going to smash their fucking heads in, and bury them fuckign alive.