
Ariadna Theokopoulos #racist boldfacenews.com

Necrophilia, as I stated elsewhere, is a black running thread in the Jewish identity syndrome.

Hematophilia must be added too: an obsessive drive to spill the blood of non-Jews, while resorting to the most repugnant rituals to avoid letting a drop of “Jewish” blood — go to waste (look up “mohels”).

If you area a non-Jew a proper prayer of thanks should be:
Thank God/the gods/my lucky stars (take your pick) that I was neither raised as a Jew nor did I ever allow myself to become a Shabbat Goy.

If you are an ex-Jew the thanks should be given because although raised as a Jew you had the mental capacity and the moral fortitude to leave the Tribe and become a moral member of humanity.