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Islam: Tough on Crime, Tough on the Causes of Crime

London is experiencing a surge in violent crime with 56 murders in this year alone. Yesterday six young men were stabbed within 90 minutes. In response politicians and media have blamed lack of police, poverty, closing of youth clubs, social media and dysfunctional families. However, what is never addressed are the concepts and values which drive someone to commit these crimes.

The values underpinning this growing lawlessness is rampant individualism due to society’s belief in freedom and liberalism.

Tony Blair alluded to this at the launch of his 5-year strategy on crime back in July 2004 when he said: “The 1960s saw a huge breakthrough in terms of freedom of expression, of lifestyle, of the individual’s right to live their own personal life in the way they choose— But with this change in the 1960s came something else, not necessarily because of it but alongside it. It was John Stuart Mill who articulated the modern concept that with freedom comes responsibility. But in the 1960’s revolution, that didn’t always happen.”

This often-cited doublespeak of ‘freedom with responsibility’ has no reality for most people. Secularism has eroded religious morals of responsibility and as such the growing trend is ‘freedom from responsibility’, where freedom is mandatory and responsibility at best is optional, and at worst totally ignored. Muslims in Britain are not immune from this trend. The call for Muslims to integrate and adopt the secular culture of Britain has led to the same criminal behaviour being found in the Muslim community as found in wider society.

Would a future Caliphate fair any better in its approach to crime or is criminal behaviour just a fact of modern life?

The Islamic Caliphate takes a two-pronged approach to crime.

Firstly, it creates a culture of God Consciousness (taqwa) and community responsibility among the society. Even when no police are watching them, Muslims will still obey the law because they know Allah is watching them and will account them for all their actions no matter how small when they die.

Allah (Most High) says,

“And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein”

(Qaf, 50:16)

“Whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.”

(Az-Zalzala, 7-8)

Islamic law (sharia) contains many edicts about the rights of neighbours and responsibility to the community at large. There is no concept of turning a blind eye to criminal behaviour or ignoring those in distress.

Prophet Muhammad ? said,

“On every person’s joints or small bones (i.e. fingers and toes), there is charity every day the sun rises. Doing justice between two people is charity; assisting a man to mount his animal, or lifting up his belongings onto it is charity; a good word is charity; every step you take towards prayer is charity; and removing harmful things from pathways is charity.”

Secondly, the Caliphate has a strong and effective criminal justice system. Islam is known for its harsh punishments and these act as a deterrent for those weaker individuals tempted to disobey the law. Those accused are afforded full judicial rights in a court of law. Islamic courts do not accept circumstantial evidence as a legal proof, and only trustworthy witnesses, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, are allowed to give testimony. Confessions extracted under torture or duress are inadmissible.

One of the principles underpinning the judiciary is that it’s better to let a guilty person go free than punish an innocent person. This attitude together with a high burden of proof will minimise miscarriages of justice in the Caliphate.

People in Britain and elsewhere are crying out for a society where people have respect, responsibility and play by the rules. This is evidenced by one in five people thinking of emigrating. As Tony Blair said, “They know there is such a thing as society. They want the society of respect. They want the society of responsibility. They want the community where the decent, law-abiding majority are in charge. Where those who play by the rules do well, and those who don’t get punished.”

Secular liberal democracy has not and cannot deliver this. Only a future Caliphate can do this as it did for over 1300 years.

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Britain cannot PREVENT crime because ‘obeying the law’ is not a British value

Britain has appointed Sara Khan as its new Lead Commissioner for Countering Extremism. This part-time post earns a tax-payer funded salary of £140,000 a year + expenses. This is seven times more than a Police Constable who works double the hours without expenses. This raises a question of priorities. Is the British government and establishment more interested in curbing Islam than solving crime?

When the recorded crime figures were published in October last year, a surge in violent crime pushed recorded crime figures in England and Wales up by 13% on the previous year. Immediately after this figure was published Trump tried linking this increase to Muslims. He tweeted, ‘Just out report: “United Kingdom crime rises 13% annually amid spread of Radical Islamic terror.” Not good, we must keep America safe!’

Trump’s claim was quickly debunked, and while he and others attempt to blame Islam for societal ills, the reality is that western societies are becoming increasingly lawless and the cause is not Islam. The problem of crime is a problem of values.

The values underpinning this growing lawlessness is rampant individualism due to society’s belief in freedom and liberalism.

The British government defines its values as, ‘democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.’ Anyone who actively opposes these values is labelled an extremist and targeted by the security services and PREVENT officers.

An interesting point to note is that opposing the rule of law is not the same as obeying the law. If this was the case then the 9 million Brits with criminal records – including many lawmakers in Parliament – would be considered extremists which is not the case.

David Cameron, the former Prime Minister highlighted this when he said back in May 2015, “For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone. It’s often meant we have stood neutral between different values. And that’s helped foster a narrative of extremism and grievance.” Cameron made a clear distinction between obeying the law and values. This means a law-abiding Muslim may be considered an extremist whereas a non-Muslim criminal wouldn’t be. The UK has no PREVENT or de-radicalisation programmes targeting criminals. Crime is blamed on poverty, social deprivation and other factors but never on secular values. This is because the root cause of crime stems from secular liberal values like individual liberty, which is a fundamental pillar of British society according to the government.

Police budgets in Britain are being slashed so much that in order to cut costs the Met Police will ignore burglaries, thefts and some assaults unless a suspect is identified. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Mark Simmons said: ‘We are having to balance the books with fewer officers and less money.’

Contrast this to the government’s counter-terrorism (CT) and counter-extremism (read counter-Islam) programmes which have huge ring-fenced budgets. While most Brits would support a PREVENT programme to tackle violent crime the government disagrees. Instead they divert funds and policing resources to PREVENT and CT officers, who then interrogate law abiding Muslims and school children on their political and religious views. They try and stop Islamic events by bullying venues in to closing them down, while crime goes ahead in the near vicinity without investigation. They pull over Muslims under Schedule 7 at airports, spoiling their holidays and upsetting their families when no crime or even suspicion of a crime has been committed.

So going back to the initial question. Is the British establishment more interested in destroying Islam than reducing crime? The answer is clearly yes. The societal elite or establishment which the Qur’an refers to as ???????? are rarely affected by the crime ordinary people face. They live in wealthy suburbs with private security. These elites are only interested in preserving the Capitalist status quo and destroying any opposition to it, which after the death of Communism is Islam. They would rather have Muslims committing crime but believing in man-made secular law than law-abiding Muslims believing in the superiority of sharia. The government’s counter-extremism strategy specifically mentions sharia and says, ‘There is only one rule of law in our country, which provides rights and security for every citizen. We will never countenance allowing an alternative, informal system of law, informed by religious principles, to operate in competition with it.’

In other words, following sharia is a red line despite the benefits it will bring to wider society in terms of accountability and lower crime rates.

Unlike British values, Islamic values are clearly defined and fixed within the Islamic texts. In the Islamic State obeying the law is a fundamental value and forms the basis of the bay’a contract between Muslim citizens and the state, and the dhimma contract between non-Muslims citizens and the state.

Allah (most High) says:

“O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.”

(An-Nisaa, 4:59)

The Prophet Muhammad ? said:

“One who dislikes a thing done by his Ameer (leader) should be patient over it. For anyone from the people who withdraws (his obedience) from the sultan, even to the extent of a handspan and died in that condition, would die the death of one belonging to the days of jahilliyya (ignorance).”

(Sahih Muslim, 1849)

It’s hard find to find anyone living in western societies who is not the victim of crime in some form or another. This is a problem that will never go away without a fundamental change in societal values. As many commentators have said the UK government’s counter-terror and counter-extremism strategies will not make Britain safer because that’s not their aim. Their aim is to assimilate Muslims by destroying core Islamic values and replacing them with British secular values.

“They would like you to disbelieve as they disbelieve so that you will all be the same.”

(An-Nisa, 4:89)

Western countries have completely failed in imposing their values on Muslims whether at home or abroad. This is why we see ban after ban across Europe on Muslim women’s clothing, and ever-increasing laws aimed at curbing Islamic practices such as PREVENT. In the face of Islam’s high values, western secular values are doomed to fail.

Allah (Most High) says,

Rather We hurl the truth against falsehood and it cuts right through it and it vanishes clean away! Woe without end for you for what you portray!

(Anbiyaa, 18)

Samuel Huntington says, “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion (to which few members of other civilizations converted) but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.” *