
Nagara Duplessis #fundie creoleneworleans.typepad.com

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Scientist hasn't even identified the complete spectrum of prehistoric human and primates that have lived on this earth. They keep finding little 3 feet people, new extinct fossils of monkeys and the oldest bones aren't of modern man or a man-ape. Why does science insist on making up this narrative of man evolving from monkeys when there isn't one shred of proof or one ancient text that even comes close to suggesting this as a fact?

I will tell you why. Scientist are story tellers. They do not know what holds an atom together, understand what electricity really is, what effects planetary system have on the human emotions, what creatures are on the sea floor, when man first walked the earth or even how to properly put together a T-Rex dinosaurs! The T-Rex hunter dinosaur doesn't have little arms like Scientist have reconstructed and taught the world's youth for decades in 4th grade science class. They know that their lying and are clueless.

The only thing that there is proof of is that God created man and exactly how God created man is outlined in ancient texts. An individual, through prayer, fasting and meditation, can get evidence of a God and Angels but not of evolution. God will give any seeker insight if they seek but man can seek for 100 years and never be able to prove evolution. Therefore, it isn't reality. Reality is that which dose not change. God is always there and ready to touch one's heart but science and man's laws change like the wind. That is anti-reality and anti-God's law.