
Demi Bardsley #fundie cultureandfamily.org

While Starbucks is doing what it can for America’s nutrition with its new Vivanno drink, and at the same time working for the environment by introducing cups that reduce overall “greenhouse gas emissions,” it is unfortunately about to become a site for major cultural pollution.

“Same-Sex Kiss Day” is being held on April 15th, 2009, as a way for the homosexual community to spread its message of “equality” nationwide. Parents might want to take a pass on their lattes and keep their children from unabashed displays of sexuality in their local Starbucks on this day.[...]

It is not enough that film and television work to mainstream the homosexual lifestyle, activists make it a point to push their agenda in the public square in the name of “curing homophobia.”

They say they don’t want anyone to infringe on their rights, but they don’t seem to mind infringing on parents’ right to choose when and if their children will be exposed to the realities of an unhealthy and immoral lifestyle.