
Cassius Kamarampi #conspiracy eraofwisdom.org

Have you been feeling ill lately? Perhaps you feel mentally foggy, feverish, congested, or weak in the heart? Are you experiencing itchy skin?

If so, you might want to carefully monitor your onset of symptoms, and see if they immediately follow aerosol spraying in the sky.

It’s hard to believe, but this is happening: people all over the United States have been reporting a blatant, easily observable escalation of geoengineering/chemtrail activity in the past 3 months, often followed by flu-like symptoms. I’m going to call this the “Geoengineering Escalation of 2016.”


Symptoms: The chemtrails this time have an extremely distinct smell: I’ve never actually been able to notice any odor from them, but this time there is the same distinct odor every time spraying occurs. They smell starchy, like needles to the nose, a little bit metallic, kind of “hospital-like” although I can’t quite put my finger on an accurate comparison to this smell.

Every time someone opens a window during spraying in a house in my area, the whole house will get filled with this odor. It’s a powdery, metallic, starchy, irritating to the nose odor, that seems to settle and largely disappear within 24 hours of windows being opened. It seems to be occurring every day, only becoming less noticeable when there are true rain clouds in the sky. For some reason the smell is gone when thick rain clouds are in the sky.

Every time I get exposed to this smell, it’s followed by an onset of flu-like symptoms.

Experiencing this firsthand is very clear indication to me that these aerosols are causing the flu-like symptoms. I also experience itchy skin, dry skin, and some kind of red bumps on my shoulders, back, and arms that were not there before February.


And if you weren’t aware, chemtrail-conscious country musician Merle Haggard died of pneumonia last week. Many speculate it was due to this “chemtrail flu,” though the correlation is not yet definitive. On a personal note, a girl I went to High School with in Texas died of an asthma attack last week, after accounts of heavy spraying in Houston, San Antonio, and Central Texas, may her soul rest in peace. I’m not sure there is a correlation there.