
truecatholic #racist fascistcunt.com

"What was your multicultural experience that causes you to have such a negative outlook on races that differ from your own? I ask because I'm genuinely curious and I fully understand that your entitled to your own beliefs and opinions."

As I’ve said many times, I’m from a Detroit suburb. I watched Detroit flow into my neighborhood slowly.

Actually, until I was about 10 I lived in North Redford. It was nice, though a poor neighborhood. My first contact with multiculturalism and social justice gone wrong was when, in 3rd grade I think, I had an argument with one of my best friends. Of course, she was black. I forget her name, let’s call her J. My other best friend was also black, her name was Chantel. Anyway, I got sick of J being an abusive little shit, so I stopped talking to her. She called me racist, and her mom actually fucking complained about me to the school. I had to point out that, uh, my other best friend is black and J is fucking insane. To have to do that in 3rd grade is really shitty.

Then after 10 I moved to South Redford. South Redford was actually pretty nice, middle class, mostly white. But as I went through middle school and then through high school, Detroit really started to bleed in. The blacker my schools got, the worse they became. Nathan could probably back me up on this. When we started out in middle school, our schools were pretty quiet. Our teachers liked their job. But as things got worse, the schools started becoming dirtier, the teachers unhappier. It’s to the point where after we graduated a bunch of teachers have started quitting. They didn’t come into that school expecting a Detroit environment, and to suddenly be thrown into one is dangerous and scary. When I was a kid in those schools we had no guns, no bomb threats, I don’t think anyone even pulled a knife on someone else. My sister’s friend just graduated this year from that same school and has said there were multiple gun problems, fights constantly, and a bomb threat.

Honestly if you were to have two absolutely equal schools where the children in one were black and the children in the other were white, you’d see the black school fall into chaos within 2 or 3 years while the white school was fine. I believe that so extremely strongly, and that’s another reason why I am going to homeschool.