
Mike Robinson #fundie goddoesexistuknowit.blogspot.com

One cannot have science without God. The God of the Bible is the precondition for science. Science uses induction, empirical testing, the laws of logic, and morality. One cannot account for any of those dynamics without God and His revelation. Obviously, an atheist can use science, but he can never account for it without God. What worldview can furnish the a priori necessities and rational tools for analysis and science? Christian theism can deliver the ground for the a priori immutable universals utilized in science; in principle, materialistic atheism cannot furnish the aforementioned ground. What is needed to have science is a first principle that has the ontological endowment to not only ground scientific knowledge, but to account for it and its preconditions. Atheism lacks an immutable and immovable foundation. The loss of the immovable point of reference, in principle, leaves the ungodly bereft of a resource necessary to construct the scientific and analytical enterprise.

Without God, one cannot hoist the necessary universal operational features of scientific knowledge. The Christian worldview supplies the fixed ontic platform, God, as the sufficient truth condition that can justify induction, attribute, truth, immutable universals, and the uniformity of the physical world. But materialistic atheism lacks such a fixed ontic platform. Consequently, it fails to provide the sufficient ground required to justify science and research. When anyone attempts to escape the truth that God exists, he falls in a trap he cannot escape.