
Dianna S #conspiracy hibiscusmooncrystalacademy.com

I experience excruciating internal pressure and torture from EMFs and dirty electricity. This isn’t some kind of “pretty, unique, phenomenon,” but rather a viscous deep dark dirty secret that you possibly have no idea how serious and evil this is. I get irritated when people want to describe subjective symptoms, not even considering the objective measurable dis-eases that this crap is the root of. Mental health and school shootings? Google EMF and mental health then tell your kids they do not have a choice in their exposure since schools are saturated. oh— I could go on and on, but you see, my bile is reacting to electronics. Yes, the acid in my abdomen. And as I attempt to stay connected, or even try to find answers, I am feeling as though my intestines are being ripped out of me. Did you notice your list of symptoms is exactly the list for fibro and chronic fatigue? Do you know our kids are becoming infertile due to cell phones in their front pockets? Diabetes has become epidemic because of the effects EMF has on blood sugar. The cancers that are unfamiliar to today’s licensed practicing drug dealers are due to the radiation that everyone assumes evaporates or dissolves— Steve Jobs didn’t give his kids devices. I am one small voice and may never make a difference before I die, but I am loaded with information the general public is unaware of and the industries do not want us to know. Plant a seed of doubt is what Motorola banks on. Did you know EMF exposure is more dangerous than second hand smoke exposure? It is called the second tobacco lie.
I’m sorry for putting all this out here on your lovely, feel good article. I really only wanted to let you know that Elite Nobel Shungite can be good, but only initially. It will burn your skin as it is exposed to EMFs, for example wearing a ring, so I wouldn’t swear by it, if a person is actually ill. People who are environmentally ill won’t benefit from it. We get our hopes up that maybe, just maybe we can feel comfortable again, then we get our hearts broken when yet something else fails. Thank you for hearing me.