
"Dr" Rick Van Thiel #conspiracy itsonlynatural.me

Is the baby you about to have going to be your baby to love, raise as you see fit, and enjoy? Or is this new life going to be born and immediately doomed to be another citizen, i.e. property of the people that call themselves "government", the same looting parasites that will claim the legislated right to expropriate your child from you because you refused to allow your child to be injected with toxic vaccines, decide to school at home, or any other thing they disapprove of?

Having your baby at home has lots of advantages; you have the option of not registering your baby and not having a birth certificate to act under. You can avoid highly toxic vaccines that are known to cause MS, autism, death and myriad of other serious heath issues. The government workers won't be knocking on your door in a few years and asking why you haven't submitted your child to their training because they won't know of your child's existence...

We can also provide you with Affidavit of New Life after your baby is born instead a birth certificate. When your child is 18 years old he/she can make the decision to live as a free being or to become a slave. You won't be to blame if he/she does because you will know that you did your part in preserving your child's freedom.