
Jim Stone #conspiracy jimstonefreelance.com


I think I nailed a clear cut example of a motive to cover up the mandela effect. Get a load of this!!!@

On a popular forum, someone posted this:

"Some people remember the Samsung logo having a regular uppercase A. Others remember it having an upside down V the way it is shown today. I believe I may have found some residue from 1995 that MAY show a regular uppercase A. The footage is unclear, however I would appreciate anyone's opinion on the footage.

Thank you. https://youtu.be/8ov7R3e9Y-k

Ok, so that seems like a totally rational honest question. This poster is not trying to cram a religion down anyone's throat, he's just asking for someone to express an opinion. And low and behold, RIGHT AWAY, something or someone posted this:

"The Mandela effect is the ultimate vanity and self-centrism attribute one can have:
1 - If I don't know it, then it doesn't exist and never existed. When introduced to this new thing, its because the universe changed.

2 - If its not as I remember, then the universe is wrong and I need to find a youtube video to confirm the ultimate source of knowledge which is my mind. Any stupid illiterate person saying anything about it on youtube is undeniable proof.

3 - Nothing is real unless I know it and it must be according to whatever I remember, otherwise, the universe has changed.

4 - Anything confronting any of the statements above must mandatorily be labeled as "shill" or "paid shill" and it must be considered a lie.

5 - The universe is as I say it is, any "scientific knowledge" is submit to my opinion and must comply, otherwise its a lie and goes in the same category as the statement above.

6 - Proof is any youtube video confirming my opinion regarding any subject. Anything else is only a lie and also is categorized as item 5.

7 - Everyone else but me is wrong, including other Mandela effects believers.

The list goes on, but you guys can get the idea..."

When I saw that response I was dumbstruck. It was in direct response to the original post. The response is so adamant and disrespectful, over a question about a SAMSUNG LOGO??!!?? What on earth does someone want to hide?

Look at the visceral hatred dripping from the response! It is totally disproportionate, damningly discrediting of itself simply because it goes so far overboard that it is either a canned response, or an AI that has absolutely no brains about what should be said and what should not be said.
Quite a benign question: Did the Samsung logo change? Oh, OK, so blow the asker's brain out. Very very obviously there is something going on that someone wants buried. If there is a smoking gun with the Mandela effect, it is right there - in the response to a very polite and well worded post. I'll take that as:

The mandela effect is absolutely real, and someone, somewhere has such a huge vested interest in bashing all discussion about it that is so elevated in importance that an extremely well worded exasperatedly desperate canned response either issued by an AI or a troll got posted in a way that was obviously inappropriate.

Yes, an AI can be a psychopath and never have a chance of seeing it written so clearly in it's own words.
CLEARLY, CLEARLY, from the response, the mandela effect is something someone desperately wants buried. The response does nothing but creep me out.

Jim Stone #conspiracy jimstonefreelance.com

[Re. the Charlie Hebdo shooting]

1. 10 people were supposed to have died with others injured. Yet at the scene, a max of 2 ambulances showed up when well over 10 would have been needed for such an event.


4 (a good one) - If the perpetrators got away and have not been captured, HOW did the French police identify them within hours when they did not turn up elsewhere? Sort of like the passport on 911 or all those pristine passports from flight MH17. That works. Gotta have a positive ID on them to "prove" they are "Muslim" and not just the Mossad out on a field trip. Gotta do it when the shock factor is at max. And no one dropped a passport this time, HOW did the police figure it out? TIMES THREE?

5. I never saw any bloody photos from this, not even fake blood, not even from a police officer who was shot by an AK and laying on the sidewalk for 10 seconds before being "shot" a second time, and still no blood. Very odd if this is real.

6. Target was a group of Jews, who belong to a greater whole which stages B.S. terror attacks frequently. That stinks.

7. How did the road miraculously have no traffic? The scene is set up as if staged. It is as if the area was cordoned off prior to the "attack" for a drill, so the "terrorists" simply parked smack dab in the middle of the road because they knew there would be no traffic.

8. How did the attackers know there would be a giant staff meeting with everyone important for the publication present to be shot all at once? A little help from the NSA or what?

9. The publication had serious prior financial trouble, and if it was going to close anyway, why not use it to stage a psy op? That would "explain" why it closed, would it not?

Jim Stone #conspiracy jimstonefreelance.com

There have been many reports about genetically engineered nanobot viruses being developed that will destroy people. Once these viruses are received via a tainted vaccine, they insert DNA into your cells which instructs your own cells to produce more copies of themselves and THAT is how they replicate. And they NEVER back off, they simply order your own cells to keep producing them until your cells die from being over worked doing exactly that.

The elite are now going for a huge push to get genetically modified bacteriophage based "vaccines" put into the entire world public via mandated injections AT ONCE. And I suspect they are going to use a phony Ebola outbreak to scare the people into accepting shots laced with these genetically modified viruses, with everyone receiving the shot within a short period of time.

Anyone who is with it enough to find a web site like this one ought to know about the NWO plan for global depopulation and the establishment of compact slave cities that can be managed with ease. What better way could there be to manage a massive depopulation than a fake outbreak, with the real disease being in mandated shots, peddled as vaccines that are supposed to protect? You can bet the elite do not want to actually release something that could kill them into the wild in the form of a real outbreak. They would instead opt to use all their ill gotten tax dollars to formulate a shot and inject it into their victims, with a certain percentage of the shots being non hazardous, perhaps 1 in 10, and the rest representing the end of life for the recipient. If the disease is a managed disease that is completely non contageous and can only be received via a shot, they can rest easy while the world dies around them.

And THIS is why they are pushing vaccines so hard, and now actively working to destroy completely legitimate dissent.


Jim Stone #conspiracy jimstonefreelance.com

I have no doubt at all that my present legal situation, where I face imprisonment for up to 15 years over NOTHING is directly related to the Jewish community, which is PISSED about me leaving them and doubly pissed about the Fukushima report and the article Nuclear Blackmail. NO DOUBT AT ALL. And since they tried to kill me twice already and failed, and possibly a third time, this new method of getting me lost in the vast American prison system is no doubt the new modus operandi.

And there is more, much more. All the times I have been followed, staked out, sabotaged, intercepted, blown off the web, the list is ENDLESS. I need protection. I have GOT TO find a new place with a new identity. It's the only way I will survive.