
NS ACUMEN OF THE OLD GUARD #racist nsacumenoftheoldguard.blogspot.com

A National Socialist Thought About Memorial Day!

No White veteran deserves abuse; not for WWII, Vietnam or any other conflict. I direct my fury to the sellout politicans who start such conflicts, not the average Joes who unwittingly go out and do the dirty work that harms our nation and our race.

However, the main reason why I honor White veterans is that it was a shame that they were brainwashed to die for such a cause. Had the thousands that died on D-Day known that one day their country would actively participate in their own extermination and the destruction of their country, they would have marched right on to Washington D.C.and booted Franklin Roosevelt out.


For all their sacrifice to freedom, America has been willing to suck up the precious lives of White veterans, tricking them through false duty and hollow patriotism and then spit out their bones. America has allowed non-White aliens to ridicule and defame White veterans and their ancestors in our hijacked national media, and America has turned a cold shoulder to their plight.

These are White Americans. They are the stock of our people. They deserve better. These White serviceman came back from Iraq, where they do not belong to find themselves in another war zone, in a neglected and primitive nation.

While America gives billions of dollars to schizophrenic, paranoid, murderous Zionist Jews, our own people struggle by every day under the blind yoke of deceptive patriotism, made gullible by our own hijacked institutions, and sent out to slaughter and be slaughtered.

We, and they, deserve better than to be treated like brainwashed livestock bred for battle.

The American Nazi Party reaches out to all White soldiers and White veterans to join ranks and have their voices and concerns heard. Join today!

by NS ACUMEN OF THE OLD GUARD #racist nsacumenoftheoldguard.blogspot.com

Adolf Hitler wanted to be a key player in a world that was in order. Because his message was not accepted by the super powers (slavish Marxism and greedy Capitalism) is the reason we have constant disorder in the present world.

For example, let's take the issue of immigration to the USA. How does that cause disorder in the world? You would figure it would cause order since it relieves non-White countries of their unemployment burden. But it doesn't. It fuels the disorder because those non-White countries that export their poverty populations to the USA contribute to disorder because it relieves those governments of making immediate economic and social remedies to deal with their own problems in the own country, i.e., Mexico, instead of just shoving them easily to the USA.

Until White Americans realize they took the wrong side in WW2 and make the rest of the countries in the world to be responsible and take action within their own borders - the chaos will continue throughout the world and accumulate and stay in the backyard of the USA.