
Eren Jäger #racist occidentinvicta.wordpress.com

Well Sandy, I am a 13 year old and I have never been out of the East Coast. I can’t exactly say that I have a broad personal experience with Asians of various nationalities.
What I can say is, I just do not feel that your average Asian-American is compatible with traditional and progressive Anglo culture. Blacks culturally integrate well after the 1st generation, and Hispanics after the 2nd generation, but Asians can take 3 or 4 gens before they start getting laid. Even then, they get the leftover slop, and women regularly cheat on them. The Korean guy at VT shot all those innocent White kids because his girlfriend cheated on him. If you thought nerdy Whites were insecure, wait till you meet shutin Asians. That is spree killer material right there

Eren Jäger #racist occidentinvicta.wordpress.com

Also, yes, Asian males; with neotenic features, small genitals, and fragile build are pretty much on the bottom of the barrel. White females would rather choose a 80 IQ nappy-haired Black man than go to bed with one of those baby-faced hyperneotenic Asian males. Black females do better with exotic males than Asian males do with exotic females. Nobody wants an Asian male, but this hurts the pride of sorry Asian introverts like Huax and Hacienda. It strikes too close to home for them.