
Femitheist Divine #sexist outerplaces.com

In a recently published VICE interview, she explains femitheism as follows: "I believe that conventional equality, with a 50/50 female-to-male ratio, is an inferior system. Essentially my ideas lead to men being made a special class – a far more valued class – having choice of a myriad of women due to the difference in sex ratio. That is my intention. Men would be made more valuable, and their quality of life would be dramatically improved. They would have a subsidised existence if you will, akin to going on an all-expenses paid vacation that lasts from birth to death."

To be fair, she doesn't believe that men should be slaughtered, but that they should be gradually phased out of the population through genetic engineering and possibly selective abortions. And she claims that these steps would not be mandated, "at first," but merely encouraged. Children would very much designed, and raised communally by the state. "Perfect girls will be conceived, developed, and engineered in state-owned breeding centers. They will be bound together in a communal venue under the instruction and control of female savants."

The few men that are left would be kept on their own reservations and used only for breeding, possibly some light labor. When asked if she acknowledged that some men have ambitions beyond "luxury breeding pens," she answered: "Some would argue it would be a dystopian world because it wouldn't be free in the present conventional sense. However that is misguided. It will be utopian because it will be a world almost without conflict where people cooperate and are treated properly within a well-engineered and long-forged system. If everything is great for almost everyone the point is null."