
Cynthia #fundie patriotaction.net

I was horrified last night as the Congressional stenographer was hauled out of the chambers during the “shut down” vote screaming, “ God will not be mocked. He will not be mocked. The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under God!” I was horrified because her outrage was well founded and her impassioned speech made me feel both empathetic and disturbed. Dianne Reidy obviously had her fill of working for representatives who do not reflect the soul of America and her parting words were chilling, the devil is here!


As the government’s role in our lives has shifted, it has left us with overbearing, narcissist leaders who are much more interested in self-aggrandizement than in our welfare. Our patronizing government enjoys playing the role of a father ready to take care of our every need, including telling us what food we should eat, yet are the same pompous leaders whom we would never trust to babysit our children. Dietrich Bonhoeffer wisely stated “the ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to it’s children,” Tea Partiers understand that wise quote and will not cower to the conquer and divide tactics now being used by Barry Soetoro. The Tea Party will not sit back and watch as an impostor despot drags our children down the slippery slope of communism. For the Tea Party to become passive would be to give in to the Barry Soetoro folly of Saul Alinsky ploys. Saul Alinsky gave full honor to the devil in the dedication of his book, Rules For Radicals.” “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very radical from all our legends, mythology, and history( and who knows where mythology leaves off and history begins-or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he a least won his own kingdon-Lucifer.” Is Barry Soetoro vying for his own kingdom as well?

There were 87 Republican traitors on the floor of the House last night. We know who they are and will add them to our long list of party defector’s. It was a temporary set-back for all who cherish America and pray for its health, long life and promising future for our children.

Fortunately, the Tea Party is able to visualize and forecast the bigger American picture. They as voyeurs are able to see a healed America where liberty and freedom once again reigns. Virtue does matter and perseverance has great power. God and the devil are very real and that struggle is currently being played out on the national stage. As Jesus himself saw first hand when tempted in the desert, evil can try to manipulate in the name of pursing good ends. It is time for all American souls to choose their sides and create their futures, our children are depending on it.