
Kaiora #conspiracy realityfabricated.wordpress.com

Last Winter in Canada, we were issued storm warning after storm warning, with no storm actually arriving. It seems more a push to get people to buy things (stock up on supplies) and then stay in their homes (like prisons). One news report even mentioned, after predicting a ridiculous amount of snow, that it might not look like much snow because all the snow just blows around. Right. They’re trying to make a disaster out of some flurries.

Another thing I heard was threats of a difficult summer. The article went on to predict “periods of hot and periods of cool weather” which, if you know Ontario, Canada, is the way it is anyway. But this was written as if it were a massive disruption in our lives.

I have an interesting question about weather forecasting, which we all know isn’t an exact science and involves models that predict future behaviour. The problem with this is that any un-exact science that predicts future trends is going to use so many different models and algorithms and other methods that every weather station should independently predict at least slightly different weather. There shouldn’t be some agreed-upon consensus. Just like you go to another doctor for a second opinion, you should be able to see another opinion from a different weatherman. It seems like predicting weather is full of chaos math and tea leaf-readings, so why do they all agree? Wouldn’t there be a big, constant impetus to provide more accurate weather predictions, prompting meteorologists to try new, different models and scatter from the pack?

Sometimes it doesn’t even seem like current temperature is quite right. I’d love to test the affect weather forecasts have on people. Say it is 22 degrees Celsius. If people were told it was “really” 35 degrees Celsius, would they feel like it was hotter than if they were told it was 25?

Kaiora #conspiracy realityfabricated.wordpress.com

False flag shootings are popping up everywhere, with the main theme being that your next door neighbour could be a dangerous killer. They specifically target loners, or the mentally ill, or people that disagree with the government, or people who talk about conspiracies, as being unstable and a threat.

In my last post about the Moncton false flag, I linked to videos from Freeradiorevolution. These videos have been removed and threats made against him. It is getting serious. People who question authority, people who question the official story about 9/11, people who believe in false flag events are being labelled crazy conspiracy theorists. The government wants a database on these people so we can be better controlled.

Kaiora #conspiracy realityfabricated.wordpress.com

Anyone who keeps an eye on false flag events knows that drills are almost always held before or during the event, usually very near where the event itself takes place. 9/11 and Sandy Hook are prime examples of this. On the day of the Sandy Hook hoax, an active-shooter drill was being held at another school about 14 miles away. So on the day that Adam Lanza supposedly shot up Sandy Hook, a drill was held nearby featuring a school shooting scenario.

Now after the false flag in Moncton, Canada, we find that a drill was held about a week before the event featuring a shooting scenario.

It looks so suspicious that one wonders why they (the powers that be) keep planning it this way. I have a few thoughts on this.

First, drills allow for filming opportunities where staged footage gets passed off as the “real” event. Since it was a drill, that footage would be completely controlled so as to look as perfect and well-scripted as possible. We already have complete proof that staged or unrelated footage gets fed to the public as being the real deal. In the case of Sandy Hook, the images of the cops charging the school, all geared up, were clearly filmed at another school entirely, NOT Sandy Hook. In the case of the recent Walmart shooting in Las Vegas, the security camera footage is clearly marked 2012, on a day when some other incident was taking place at another store entirely.

Second, drills cause confusion and distraction. This one’s pretty self-explanatory.

Third, drills enact the story of the hoax. I think there is something to be said for enacting stories: it means that something did happen, that some of what the media and the cops report did happen, in a way. It brings fiction one step closer to reality and blurs the line between truth and falsehood, allowing them to tell half-truths about what happened or even convince themselves that the hoax was real.

Moreover, I believe that drills function as rituals. I believe that enacting a story is the very root and power of a magic spell. When one enacts an imaginary event, the idea of that event moves away from pure imagination and towards actualization or physical reality. It becomes more than just a thought; it takes on attributes of physical form. This is the aim of all rituals and magic spells. I suspect that the elite world controllers believe in the power of ritual and utilize it at every opportunity.

Kaiora #conspiracy realityfabricated.wordpress.com

Are Satellites Real? Some Oddities

Do a google image search on satellites. Although there are supposedly some thousands of satellites now orbiting the Earth, the images you will retrieve are all—computer generated cartoons. Not photos of the actual satellites whether on Earth or after being launched into space. Why?

Sometimes you will see a very distant light, not unlike an airplane, passing through the night sky. People will say these are satellites. However, most satellites are supposedly quite small, maybe the size of a basketball. Because of difficulties getting large objects into space in the first place, no satellite ought to be very big. If these lights we see are satellites orbiting some 200 miles up, how do we see them at all?

If satellites send signals to our cell phones, and if satellites orbit around the Earth, why is it that I can never get a good signal in Algonquin Park, a remote-ish area of Canada? Why is it so hard for a system of orbiting satellites to send data to this area? If these satellites are moving, shouldn’t there be changing zones that are hard to reach by satellites, not always just remote areas?

Did you know that satellites can be launched from the space station simply by hand-tossing them?? With no regard to angle or speed? Watch the video below and think about it. How is this possible, when there are so many satellites and fears of satellites losing orbit and falling down into Earth’s atmosphere?