
The 'White Whine' Award

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Anti-White Narrative: Hate Caricatures

Slurs are easy to recognize and attackback, but hate caricatures are anti-white fictional characters, films, or highly descriptive writings that portray the diverse white European Americans in a hateful way. Film Producer Mike Judge's anti-white cartoon, Beavis & Butt-head, and TV Producer Norman Lear's character, Archie Bunker, are prime examples.

Attackback At Hate Caricatures

Each of the six principal themes used to attackback in the case of slurs may be used here. For example, you could attackback at Norman Lear (producer of All In The Family, a sit-com designed to defame the diverse white blue-collar urban workers) in this way: "Norman Lear exposed himself as a bully, a hater, and a liar when he showed us his own mental hate caricature of Archie Bunker."

Every hate caricature of young and old white Americans smothers their richly-textured diversity, their continental origins (Europe), and their nationality (American).

Sometimes the actual hate caricature is an invitation to maim or murder the diverse white Americans and this should be condemned in the strongest terms.


Archie Bunker - This is an anti-white hate caricature by the dominant media culture and the corporate entertainment culture about blue-collar white American men. Former Vice President Al Gore often spoke about Archie Bunker as though he were a real person, apparently believing that a hate caricature was a living being, instead of an actor channeling Norman Lear's hatreds.

George Will referred to Archie Bunker as though Bunker were a real person in Will's TV appearance ("This Week With Christiane Amanpour") on Sunday, 9/18/11, saying, "Archie Bunker lived in Queens" by way of explaining how a Republican won in that congressional district.

Yes, neither national Democratic spokespersons nor conservative pundits reject hate caricatures of the diverse white blue-collar American workers. But then, neither do Republicans, Libertarians, Socialists, human rights activists, or any of the other persons in our multiracial society who claim that they are intolerant toward what they consider hate speech.


Dumb Blonde - Another hate caricature by the dominant media culture and the corporate entertainment culture to denigrate the diverse white Euro-American women.

Huddled Masses - An historical hate caricature of white European immigrants, similar to "wretched refuse."

Lily-white - This is a plant-based hate caricature showing hatred for white Americans. It is a dehumanizing hate caricature.

Mayonnaise - This is a food-based hate caricature often seen in connection with "white bread." It is a dehumanizing hate caricature.

Mayonnaise and white bread were sarcastic "joke" terms used to denigrate the diverse white Americans, originating on the Dick Van Dyke TV situation comedy.


White Flight - A hate caricature by the dominant media culture intended to mask the pushing away or ethnic cleansing of white American residents, students, or employees from homes, hometowns, schools, and places of employment.

The urban-coastal Wall Street Journal used "white flight" in a very hateful way to smear the diverse white American students in Cupertino, California, schools in a 11/19/05 article written by the supremacist Asian American Suein Hwang to make European American students into the problem, not the Asian American immigrants. And the theme was picked up by the San Jose Mercury News in a hate story on 2/22/06 which savored the taste of white-bashing by the WSJ.