
Rod Fleming #sexist rodfleming.com

Emily Wells

I like your article and I was thinking “Wow. Finally a cis guy who gets it.” And then you went on your own little transphobic rage.

Blanchard simply goes from strength to strength, despite the efforts of delusional blokes in skirts like you, ‘Emily’.

I don’t give a fuck if you ‘respect’ my views or not: you are a man with a serious mental disorder who thinks he is a woman. I’ve as much interest in the local fruitcake who thinks he’s Napoleon ‘respecting’ me. Frankly, it might be more entertaining than the relentless grind of autogynephilic men like you, wallowing in self delusion, self-loathing and self-absorption.

Autogynephilic men like you need help, but not for one minute do I think that ‘transition’ will do so. You are a transvestite, please deal with it. Get your woman suit on and crack one off to the mirror.

Since gender is the outward expression of sexuality, these individuals naturally feel most comfortable as women, and those who do not transition, that is, gender-conforming homosexuals, suffer varying degrees of Gender Dysphoria. This is because Homosexual Gender Dysphoria is caused by a mismatch between sexuality and gender. (Non-homosexual Gender dysphoria in males, what you have, ‘Emily’, is the product of a narcissistic paraphilia called, wait for it, Autogynephilia.) You bear NO RELATIONSHIP to HSTS, so stop pretending you do.

It’s always so nice to hear from a bitter, self-loathing, transvestite autogynephile like you ‘Emily’; it reminds me of whom and what I am campaigning for — True Transsexuals, not brickies in tights. Have fun being a transvestite, but do not pretend to be transsexual or a woman. You cannot be these things. You’re a straight bloke in a frock with a severe mental disorder.

Rod Fleming #sexist rodfleming.com

[on trans men attracted to men]

Pity you didn’t read the article, or was the testosterone getting in your way?

"Snowflake culture is animated principally by misandry, the hatred of men, and specifically, white men. Women are the top dogs. It is a matriarchy seen through a glass darkly. Within it, some women seek to become alpha males in order to replace the real males the culture has removed."

That describes you perfectly. You are a misandrist female who thinks that she can replace men and play the role of a man. But you are conflicted because your innate sexual desire is for men (yes, sex drive is innate, like so much else.)

At a guess, you like to inflict pain on your (actually male) partner during the act of sex, because feminism has indoctrinated you to believe that all sex is rape and so your role, as a pseudo-man, is to rape men. That makes you a very sick puppy.

A female who is attracted to men is a heterosexual female. You are a transvestite heterosexual female whose transvestism extends to body modification. You are not a ‘gay male’ of any description whatsoever, because you are not male. You have XX chromosomes, end of debate.

So, you’re still not a man, you’re a woman with a major psychological issue, exacerbated by, if not derived from, the sick snowflake culture that you are a part of. You will never be a man. Deal with it.

Rod Fleming #sexist rodfleming.com

Transmen—are both real and men, however “unconventional” their path to manhood may be.

Transmen are not men, they are lesbians on steroids.

There is in fact only one category of true transsexual: highly feminine male homosexuals who present as women because their sexual desires make them feel like women. The others are all mental disorders.

As you say, a man with a micropenis is still a man. That is because he has XY chromosomes.