
sabelmouse #fundie sabelmouse.tumblr.com

narwa asked:

I'm what you call "seriously disabled". Mostly mute, bad at understand people, rockin' back and forth, getting meltdowns left and right. Guess what! It's not because theres too much metal in my brain. And i wouldn't want to cure it. Ever. It's not a bad thing. I was just born different than most, and instead of trying to change what we can't change, maybe let's try to make the world more friendly for autistic people. And stop spreading bullshit.

How do you know why it is or isn’t? do you have clairvoyance? not wanting to change is your choice, you have no right to push it on others.

I would rather not have anxiety depression, and fibro. i’ve been ill since my smallpox vaccination at 11 or 12.

my daughter would rather not have insomuch and anxiety which mars her life.

what about money?

we are poor/living on benefit. i get the feeling that people with autism on tumblr aren’t. else they’d worry seriously about their future unless they are well enough to work ectr.

nobody ever answers that question.

how do you know you were born different, after all, depending on your age you’ll most likely have had the hep b at birth.

i don’t spread bullshit, i spread info. i ask people to inform themselves. very different from trying to shut them up/force vaccines on them.

in fact there’s supposed to be informed consent, anything else is violation of the nuremberg code/fascism.

#autism #chronic illness #vaccination #informed consent #fascism #narwa

sabelmouse #fundie sabelmouse.tumblr.com

In 2011 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that vaccinations are "unavoidably unsafe".

No medical intervention that is "unavoidably unsafe" should be mandatory.

No medical procedure that does not have the "informed consent" of the patient should ever, be thrust on anyone.

Vaccinations are "unavoidably unsafe" which as a parent my first duty is above all else, "first do no harm" and to thoroughly understand the toxic ingredients in vaccinations as part of the "informed consent" process before agreeing to this invasive medical procedure.

Doctors may have thrown "first do no harm" under the bus, parents cannot afford to.

Educate before you vaccinate.

#unavoidably unsafe #informed consent #vaccination #parenting #Hippocratic Oath

sabelmouse #conspiracy sabelmouse.tumblr.com


A picture of a man thinking, in obvious distress, "Vaccines Are Safe & Effective," while the following phrases float around him:

"Over 541,000 Injuries have been submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System"

"The CDC Vaccine Schedule has Never been tested for safety"

"If your baby is Injured by a Vaccine, $1,000 is the most a Vaccine Manufacturer can be sued for under the law"

"CDC Surveillance Reports prove that Vaccines do Not guarantee immunity up to 55% of the time"

"At least 8,500 Children have been killed by Vaccines since 1990"

"Clean Water in every city & Indoor Plumbing in every home were the major reasons disease rates fell Decades before most vaccines were ever even developed"

"The FDA & CDC say Mercury, Aluminum, Aborted Human Fetal Cells, Baby Cow Blood, Dog Cells, Monkey Cells & Known Carcinogens are all Safe for your baby"

"Doctors are required by law to inform parents of the Risks and Contraindications for Each Vaccine...but seldom do"

"Over $3.7 Billion has been paid to families for Injuries caused by Vaccines through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program according to the CDC"

"The CDC says a baby should have 26 Vaccinations Before their immune system is even mature enough to benefit from the Vaccine"

#vaccination #vaccines #nutrition and sanitation #chronic illness #health #informed consent

sabelmouse #fundie sabelmouse.tumblr.com

(Picture of a piece of paper that reads: NOTIFICATION TO ALL PATIENTS Bergen West Pediatric Center is notifying you of a service charge of $20.00 for any patient declining vaccine(s) during their scheduled visit with the doctor. If you decline vaccine(s) and wish to spread them out or return at a later date, you will incur this service charge. The service charge is due to the additional nurses requirements to pull records, verify vaccine(s) and assess the patient.)

Time to DROP this doctor’s office like a hot potato! Shame on you Bergen West Pediatric Center in New Jersey! Punishing parents and charging them for choosing to space out or decline vaccines which contain toxins is unthinkable! #HealthBeforeWealth #BADMoveBWPC #DropThisDoc

pay to DECLINE vaccines!

#doctors #vaccination #new jersey #medical freedom #informed consent