
O Rei do Frango Assado #fundie shenmuedojo.net

When my mother got pregnant of me, doctors said that both she and I would likely die and that she should have an abortion. Luckily, she's completely against it and she could never do such a thing. Well, despting knowing that we could both die, she carried on and delivered. And her I am, a healthy man and my mother is also still alive. God bless her!
I don't know if there's life after death, but if there is and if dead people can haunt the living (I don't actually believe in that stuff, by the way) and I happened to be an aborted person, I'd haunt my mother for the rest of her days.

When your own mother decides to kill you, that's as bad as it can get. There's no one in this world that I trust more than my mother. I'd gladly put my life in her hands, for I know that the love of my mother for me knows no bounds. The same can be said about my love for my mother. Whenever I think that there are women who have no problem in disposing of their own children, as if they were some kind of parasite, I become apalled.
Painful death is what they deserve.

You see, I've always said that I find surprising that abortion is a cause for debates. After all, we never see anyone talking about whether or not homicides should be made legal.
I think the reason for that is because it is just much easier to kill off someone who's still inside a womb. Someone that no one sees, hears and knows. As they say: out of sight, out of heart...

No matter how many problems a woman has, it is no excuse to make an abortion. It is far worse than rape, which many people seem to regard as the most terrible crime ever. When a woman is pregnant, she just has to deal with it.

And I find it funny how people who are for abortion like to call themselves "pro-choice". Women make their choices when they decide to have sex (except in the case of rape, but, in that case, they can just put the child up for adoption. Maybe even keep the child. There are many women who kept their children who were the result of rapes. After all, that doesn't change the fact that it IS their children too, not just the rapists'.
Sure, raping is a terrible crime and, if it was up to me, I'd have all rapists completely castrated, but that is no excuse to kill your own child. That'd just make the woman who did it much worse than the rapist). And no, an abortion isn't deciding what you do with your own body. It is deciding what you do with someone else's.
One could also say that it is the psychopath's choice to get an axe and cleave someone's skull.

Like I said, just as a newborn child is developing into a fully functioning adult, so is an embryo.

And by the way, many people seem to think that all who oppose abortion are religious fanatics. This has nothing to do with religion. I'm not religious myself. It is just a matter of having some good sense.