
smiling-fantasies #fundie smiling-fantasies.tumblr.com

I think abortion is murder. How people can say it isn't? I don't know. A lot of people think that I would be pro-life because I am a Christian, but that is not the case. I am pro-life because I think that murdering people who have already been born is wrong, so, I believe that those who have not been born don't deserve to be murdered either. I hate the argument that a fetus is "just a clump of cells" and it "isn't really a human, its a fetus" arguments. My question is then, what is it? It is a human, its not a turtle in that woman's stomach, its not a parasite or anything else; IT IS A LIVING HUMAN BEING I hate that it's called "pro-choice" LOL WHAT ABOUT THE BABIES CHOICE?! He or she certainly did not ask to be murdered. Honestly, I don't know how people can get abortions. I feel that those who do are heartless and cruel. I think abortions are disgusting and should not be legal. No matter what I would never even consider an abortion. I do not care the circumstances (even if I am young, raped or the baby has issues; mental or physical), it is not an option for me. I will face the consequences if I decide to have sex and get pregnant. If I am raped then I will love it just the same if it was a baby that was not born due to rape, you know why? BECAUSE ITS NOT THE BABIES FAULT. You do not punish an innocent baby by murdering it because of your dumb decisions or because of rape