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False Views on John Calvin


Many evangelical churches see John Calvin as a great theologian yet; he is represented as a mean person. Many believe John Calvin is the founder of a new religion called ‘Calvinism’. Calvin never started a new religion called Calvinism, he simply taught the Bible. Then who started Calvinism? C. H. Spurgeon gives the answer below.

"We only use the term "Calvinism" for shortness. That doctrine which is called "Calvinism" did not spring from Calvin; we believe that it sprang from the great founder of all truth. Perhaps Calvin himself derived it mainly from the writings of Augustine. Augustine obtained his views, without doubt, through the Holy Spirit of God, from diligent study of the writings of Paul, and Paul received them from the Holy Ghost and from Jesus Christ, the great founder of the Christian Church. We use the term then, not because we impute an extraordinary importance to Calvin's having taught these doctrines. We would be just as willing to call them by any other name, if we could find one which would be better understood, and which on the whole would be as consistent with the fact." (C.H Spurgeon)

Some believe, Calvin wrote the ‘five points of Calvinism.’ This is also false. Calvin never wrote the 5 points of Calvinism. It was written 54 years after the death. Then the Arminians made their five points first. In November 13, 1618, 39 pastors, 18 ruling elders, 5 professors and 19 delegates were invited to settle this issue at Synod of Dort. It lasted for seven months. What was the result? Arminianism was unanimously rejected and condemned. The five theological points of Calvinism were formulated to answer the five points of Arminianism.
Also some say, John Calvin was against evangelism and Calvinism is a threat for evangelism. This is not true as we are going to see the real John Calvin. The majority of the modern evangelical church is representing John Calvin as a mean, unloving, uncaring dangerous man. But let us see the truth and nothing but the truth of John Calvin, then you will be amazed to see all the bad things what you have heard and what you may hear of John Calvin is not true. This is truly a character assassination of a godly man.


Calvin the Pastor

Although Calvin was a shy and a reserved person he was very different when he was behind the pulpit. His heart was inflamed for the word of God and became a great preacher, Calvin believed he was never at the pulpit by himself; he speaks of the hidden energy. The power of the Holy Spirit was there with him and the Spirits energy energized him in preaching and in the ministry. He preached 5 different sermons a week in Geneva, Switzerland, during his entire course of his ministry. He preached steadily through book after book of the Bible. On Sunday mornings, the text was from the New Testament, whereas on Sunday afternoons it was often from the Psalms. During the week, the text was always from the Old Testament. He expounded books of the Bible, a passage at a time, day after day. Also, he taught Bible studies on a regular weekly basis. John Calvin did pastoral counseling. He ministered people during the times of trials. He presided over meetings in the church. He conducted weddings and baptisms. John Calvin was a great pastor, many are unaware of this as many think he was only a theologian away from the public, not having any concern for the people but writing theology in a corner. This is wrong, this is not John Calvin. But the true John Calvin got his hands dirty in the lives of people. John Calvin was a great theologian and theology got deep rooted in his heart and it affected his life to become a great pastor and he loved the people.

Outside the pulpit, John Calvin was a loving, kindhearted man. In his correspondence letters, he speaks of his pastoral activities. He had a great pastors’ heart. He wrote a letter to a friend whose wife was dying. But Calvin went to her deathbed every single day and read Psalms to her. Calvin gave encouraging loving words from the Bible. Calvin wrote as pastors we aught to weep those who weep. He had such compassion and sorrow for his neighbors and shared their tears. There was another time where he wrote a letter to a man who went to share the gospel in France (Roman Catholic territory) But this man was arrested by the Roman Catholic church and was sentenced to death. John Calvin knew this man and he wrote to this man of a very encouraging letter, he wished to partaker of his troubles and if worst would happen he would like to be united with him in heaven, he embraced his dear friend. Calvin as a pastor was able to emotionally connect with their pain, he was able to understand their pain, then he was able to point to the true source of consolation who is our Sovereign Lord. This is great pastoral counseling.

John Calvin and Michael Servetus

Michael Servetus was a notorious heretic as he denied the deity of Christ and the Trinity. Servetus was arrested in France but he was able to escape France and made his way to Geneva. One day when Calvin was preaching walks in the notorious heretic Michael Servetus. The authorities immediately arrested him. Many uninformed Christians believe that Calvin put Servetus to death. This is untrue. On the other hand, John Calvin tried to win Servetus to Christ. While Servetus in prison, John Calvin went to his prison cell many times and tried to win him to Christ. But Servetus still denied the deity of Christ and the Trinity. He was condemned to death not by John Calvin but by a Judge, John Calvin was only a witness of his false heresies but not a prosecutor. The day he was put to death Calvin again went to Servetus and shared the gospel but it was in vain.