
Anonymous #fundie standard-dingo.tumblr.com

for someone that whines about people strawmaning centrists, you sure strawman leftists a lot. specifically you seem to think communists are all of the very narrow slice of the communist spectrum that is marxism-leninism, which has been the philosophy disproportionately responsible for the "communist" governments we've seen due to its design making it more convenient than other schools to apply to feudal societies with uneducated masses. we even have a pejotative term for those people, "tankies"

furthermore, to say that modern communists are “priviliged first world children” or whatever is straight up erasure. like im sorry but its not true, its part of a neoliberal myth that tries to discredit leftism as a first world white male thing. truth is most communists i know are poor, queer POC in their adulthood. furthermore the general consensus is that the “communist” governments of the past century were esentially state'capitalist fascism. it doesnt resemble marxism at all tbh