
LPTREY #fundie th3platform.com

There is a fine line between moral values versus moral duties. We can sell everything we own and give it to the poor for example. This is an expression of good moral values, but a very poor one that negatively impacts. We do not have an obligation to endanger ourselves to do good works. If that was the case, then anything that we do that is self-serving is morally wrong. Take for instance when the disciples chastised the woman who poured an expensive perfume on Jesus. They said, “Fool! That perfume should have been sold and given to the poor!” Jesus replied by saying that the poor will always be with you and essentially told them to leave her alone and that it’s okay to do things that are self-serving. A stronger example is the story of the Good Samaritan. The man helped his wounded enemy, (who posed no threat to him) brought him to a neutral location at the inn (not his own home-which could potentially pose a threat to his children and wife), and then paid the inn keeper cost and then some to take care of him.

This is a stark contrast to bringing in a refugee population that poses threats to our national security. We would be bringing in not just women and children, but also able-bodied, fighting age men into this country with no idea of who they are or what they believe. That is why President Trump has issued a 3 month ban from 7 countries proven to have large terror cells. That is not a Muslim ban considering 90% of the Muslim population can still freely visit the U.S. The ban has only affected less than a thousand of the hundreds of thousands of people traveling to this country. This is what the Good Samaritan would do. The Good Samaritan would also advocate safe zones which are immensely cheaper to pay for and more effective while eliminating potential threats to our citizens. Everyone needs to remember that this is TEMPORARY until we have established proven vetting measures that protect the American people from radical Islamic terrorism. Let’s put to rest the false narratives that this is a Muslim ban and that this is bigotry or that Christians are being hypocrites. 48% of this country supports the travel ban. That 48% is not a bunch of racist lunatics; they are rational human beings that take national security very seriously and remember the tragedies of San Bernardino, Orlando, Fort Hood, and so many other attacks.

LPTREY #fundie th3platform.com

Christians Should Support The Travel Ban

Hypocrisy and false narratives are expanding in this brand new year under President Trump’s control. Thank God this man is keeping his promises to the American people who are tired of empty rhetoric. President Trump just issued an executive order a few days ago that banned immigration and refugee travel for 7 countries labeled as sources of terror by the Obama administration. Somehow taking Obama’s own notation of these countries containing terror cells is racist: the hypocrisy is laughable. You also never saw the Left crying and screaming when Obama banned Iraqi refugees for six months or when Jimmy Carter banned Iranian refugees for a period of time. I can handle hypocrisy, but I cannot handle the personal attacks against Christians that are not lined up outside of the White House or airports acting like fools with the rest of the Left.

The Left and their faction of liberal Christians have used Leviticus to push the narrative that if you support the travel ban, then you are not a Christian and have no compassion. Let me quickly educate you on why this is not only false, but very offensive. Leviticus talks about how foreigners that reside in your country should be treated fairly and kindly as you would your own brothers and sisters. The Left is twisting this to say that we are obligated to go against the warnings of our national security advisers, who say that ISIS and other organizations will infiltrate the refugee population, in the name of compassion and tolerance. The Bible does not say to show compassion at the expense of your own safety.