
Erik ORION #conspiracy thebushconnection.com

The Comedic Legend; Phil Hartman is Alive & Well!

The CIA, FBI, LAPD Coroner & The Lying Hollywood Mainstream Media Conspired With The Comedic Legend,The Man of 1,001 Faces; Phil Hartman to Fake His Death in 1998!

Nice Try Phil!

Clue #1

Phil Hartman's Name Was Intentionally Misspelled on His "Alleged" Tombstone.

Clue #2

"I was 36 & I had decided to quit acting because it was so disappointing." Phil Hartman 1984 After 16 Years of Face-lift Surgeries, 1,000's of Anti-Aging Hormone Steroid Injections & Muscle Implants, Phil Hartman Transformed Himself into "Jesse James."The Over-Tattooed,Over-Rated Over-Priced, Custom Motorcycle Builder.

Before & After



Notice the Same Looking Right Ears, Blue Eyes, Dark Age Spot Stain on Foreheads & Receding Hairlines?


Phil Hartman aka: Jesse James

Phil Hartman is Playing the Real Life Role of his Child-Hood Alter-Ego "Jesse James."

Alleged Undercover CIA Operative Phil Hartman aka: Special Agent: Jesse James

Jesse James Looks Great For a 66 Year Old Man!

Jesse, You Look "Sassy!"

The Right Wing CIA Controlled Mainstream Hollywood Media Refuses to Report on This Amazing Identity Discovery Because They Don't Want to Blow Jesse's Federal Agent Undercover Id!

I predict that the CIA will fake Jesse's death soon & reassign him a new fake id.

Erik ORION #conspiracy thebushconnection.com

CNN's John "Candy" Crowley

After a Long List of Movie Failures, The CIA, FBI & the CIA Controlled, Conservative Hollywood Mainstream Media helped John Candy Fake his "Alleged"Death in 1994.

John Candy Went Through Surgery to Become a Woman who Looked Like CNN's Candy Crowley. CNN Then Switched the two & Gave the Original Candy Crowley a new "fake" Identity & face-lift.

"John" Candy Crowley is now "allegedly" a CIA Undercover Federal Agent / Confidential Informant!

Obama Brought Ebola to America to Use as a False-Flag Bio-Agent to Further his Communist Agenda of Destroying America From Within!

Obama is Hiding Nazi War Criminal CIA Employees in America & You Are Paying The FBI & Secret Service to Protect Them!

Nazi War Criminals CIA Spooks Living in America Receive Millions of Dollars of Secret Pension Money Each Year Complements of You, The Foolish Sheep, American Tax Payers!

The Corrupt, Fascist American Government Loves Its Nazi War Criminal CIA Spooks & Treats Them Better Than Its WWII Vets!

The Following is a List of CIA Nazis That Are Living Free & Receiving Secret Pensions in America:

Dr. Josef Mengele aka: Steven T. Rabel.

Reinhard Gehlen aka: Hank Janowicz

George H. Scherff Jr.aka: George HW Bush.

Alois Brunner aka: Fred Kobylarz

Walter Rauff aka: George Pfaff

Frank Wisner-CIA Traitor Nazi Lover aka: Ed Kobylarz

Erik ORION #conspiracy thebushconnection.com

There are 1,000's of secret underground & underwater pyramids under American, Canadian waters & all around the world.

Every Government in the World Has Been Conspiring With Each Other, Along With Scientists, The Freemasons, The Vatican, NSA, CIA & KGB to Keep The Knowledge of Underground & Underwater Pyramids a Secret From The Public For Their Own Benefit!


The American & Canadian Governments along with Billionaire Bill Gates & his Illuminati cohorts secretly looted some of the treasure on the Oak Island pictured below many years ago!

At least six smaller islands make-up the complete Freemason made island known as Oak Island & each one has a huge pyramid beneath!

I am Currently Seeking Investor(s) to Finance a Treasure "Finding" Expedition to the "other'" Oak Island With at Least $50,000 cash to invest.

If you want to know where the secret entrance to the "other" Oak Island pyramid is located & how to safely enter any underground or underwater pyramid to remove the treasure & other artifacts, hire me to lead your expedition!