
The Jewish Conspiracy Exposed #conspiracy thejewishconspiracyexposed.wordpress.com

Because Jews wants race war, so they can steal money and enslave Goyim population. There is no reason to black man accuse white man for anything. It’s always been a Jew who put black man down.

Slavery was Jewish invention. Jews started to sell black people to wealthy white people in America. Jews brutally raped and molested African kids while they were hunting blacks in Africa. And they made a lot of money out of slave trade.

Civil rights movement was Jewish invention. Before civil rights movement blacks had good jobs and white and black people lived in harmony, there was a little crime among black people, because there were no drugs sold. Black people were hard workers and they totally accepted segregation of races.

But Jewish drug trafficking that even most heinous Italian Mafioso’s refused to do, changed everything. No Jew is making sure that most of black people are on drugs almost all the time. And black people are also great tool for Jews, they can always load blacks to busses and start riot when ever White people start to get mad to Jews.

Katarina was disaster, but as usual Jews wanted to take advantage of it. Jews sent their Mossad teams to New Orleans disguised as private troops. Jewish Mossad teams executed blacks and staged crimes to cause hatred against blacks among White population.

All bad things that black man has experienced since Jews brought them here as slaves, are caused by filthy Jews. Why should black man act like Jew except him to act? No, black man should fight against Jews that are the vermin’s of the world. Black and white men should join their forces together and fight against Zionist Monster, for better future and segregation and survival of both brave races.