
thinksee #conspiracy thinksee.wordpress.com

Rango, Illuminati and Water

Ok, I am not into Illuminati stuff that much.

I saw this movie, Rango, had nothing in my mind before watching it and as I will explain in this post, from the beginning to the end I saw numerous esoteric symbols. I searched on the web and found nothing remarkable about Rango and Illuminati.

I have to tell you that this is not your usual Illuminati article, revealing some stupid symbols is nothing special. I will try to give you more than that! Let’s start with the symbols in Rango, as I told I am not a specialist in this, probably much more can be found there. First thing I saw in the movie, which also made me look for Illuminati throughout the movie is the name of one of the production companies. It was like I saw a big word “ILLUMINATI” all over the wide screen, the company’s name is: ILLUMINATION ENTERTAINMENT

I went to IMDB to see the companies, also there is this one:
Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) Not only the initials, but also being a Lucasfilm company and having that “enlightening” logo, I think we can have some reasons to suspect. “Industrial”, “Light” and “Magic”, all these words made me more and more suspicious.

After that start, I saw Illuminati, everywhere in the movie, especially this scene was awkward (you can see it above), with a “watching eye” which is not really supposed to be there!

The character Rango is in a search for identity. The movie is about enlightenment of self and the word “enlightenment” is used openly a couple of times in the movie. After some point, he goes to this town, where water is reserved in banks. That is very important, because you should think of any water in the movie as money in real life. So, WATER=MONEY! When you put it like that, it is crazy!

Rattlesnake Jake: [after Beans refuses to sign a deed] Sign the damn paper! Beans: Go to Hell!
Rattlesnake Jake: [wraps Beans in his coils and suspends her upside down] Where do you think I come from?
Well, I think it is obvious that this snake is mentioned to be Satan, also knowing that one of the characters say when he comes, he always takes a “soul”.
Also interesting that, towards the end of the movie Rango is carried by some bugs to meet some spiritual being, just after he crosses the highway to go to “the other side” (in the movie itself, said that it is metaphorical). As soon as I saw that, I just remembered Neo in the last movie of the Matrix trilogy, being carried by machine bugs.

Rango: [from trailer] So you want something to believe in?
[points at the “Sheriff” sign]
Rango: Believe in that there sign. For as long as it hangs there we’ve got hope.
Just before that, Rango tells them once “the order” is gone, they will start to eat each other like “animals”.

The leaders of the town are corrupt and they admit that they were just criminals, but now they are businessmen. There are several moments where the characters make reference to cannibalism, ritual human sacrifice, and various sexual organs.

A turtle rules the town, he has the water. In a scene his men rise up a circle, behind which the sun shines. This turtle is also the one, who brought the rattlesnake to the town. He might be seen as a religious leader. The important thing is he reveals that whoever controls the water, controls the population. As I mentioned above, water=money. So, whoever controls the money, controls the population. That may remind you of the contemporary world. At the end of the movie, water is everywhere, a situation of chaos and anarchy.
Also think that, a small child watching this, will have the idea engraved on his mind that, the money is needed as much as the water. Not only that, he will be thinking, the money is limitless as much as the water and it is useful as much as the water.

There may be tens of symbols you can find there, but I am passing to something much more important.
I am asking you what Illuminati is fighting against?
What is their problem? Why are they doing this?
Why do they not want us to think?
They hate religions. Why? Why would they hate Christians?
My answer is that they do not hate Christianity.
That is what they want us to think! They want us to think that they are against Christianity, putting some crosses here and there in a message giving way. They know that reaction to that is holding the cross, being a Christian. They also now that sometimes, some (so-called) “critical thinking”, “skeptic”, “intelligent” people will say that “It is all a game! It is all crazy, we do not believe in anything!”.
Does that mean, we are so wise to be deceived by Illuminati or some other organisation?
We are just deceived by thinking that.
Now, let us think and see!
Wake up!
Open your eyes!

What religion/belief on the earth has the greatest media campaign against it?
What religion/belief on the earth has the worst references in Hollywood?
What religion/belief, 9/11 was mentioned to destroy?
What religion/belief is the last one to check for someone who is in a search?
What religion/belief is the most hidden one?
The answer is,
The fastest growing religion on the earth.
The answer is ISLAM.
Now, think and ask to yourself, have you ever read anything about this religion?
Did you know that Muslims believe in all prophets, including Jesus(pbuh)?
Did you know that Muslims do not pray to Muhammad(pbuh), they pray only to the only one true God?

Why? Why do not you know?
Now, see!

“Say, ‘Have you considered: if your water was to become sunken [into the earth], then who could bring you flowing water?'”
(The last verse of the Chapter The Sovereignty / The ENGLISH TRANSLATION of Qur’an (Qur’an is only one version, only in Arabic))

thinksee #fundie thinksee.wordpress.com

Occam’s Razor leading us to God
Well, I think Occam’s Razor (why we have to use it, I don’t know), itself leads us to existence of God.
The existence of me, myself, a conscious being is a big problem which has to be answered. The only way we can explain is that, there is one being, existed without the existence of anything else. Nobody uses Occam’s Razor this way. I do not know why! The question is always like this: “God exists or we created him.” resulting “we created him.” But this does not answer who created “me”? What is “me”? There is no easy answer to this.
What about “It is, because it is.”? Well, then “God is, because He is!”
“Nothingness results in existence.” Well, then what is a “result”? What is “resulting”? Are you sure you can understand the notion “nothingness”. Do you think anybody can? Nothingness is nothing! There is nothing in nothingness! (Can we even say that?) What a fallacy to think there is (I just said “There is”! Then it is not nothingness!) a resulting force in nothingness. (“In nothingness”, whatever it means!) This makes the nothingness God!
Well, we have to accept that there is an eternal being!
This leads us to that, this being, which can exist only depending his self, has to be perfect, because a perfectness like not having a beginning cannot be compared to anything else in any sense. Being not comparable to anything means being perfect then anything. (How true that is!) The notion ‘part’ is a part of our universe, which also our limits our thinking, and does not apply to the One. So, we come to that He is One, He is not like anything and He is above everything. Why? Whatever exists depends on Him to exist, so they can lose their existence by His will. Having a dependency for its own existence is the biggest weakness! Anything except God is like that.
“If there is God, why I do not see him?”
How can you see him? God is not imaginable and is not imprisoned in time and space? Seeing is a physical event done by eyes, ears, tongue, nose, skin! How can we think that, we can imprison God into such senses? In this sense, also the question “Where is God?” is illogical itself. We cannot even say God is inside the universe or outside. The notion “place” is a creation itself.
Thinking! Thinking is enough proof of God. I can think and nothingness cannot result in a concious thinking being! That is obvious and clear. My consciousness can only be given by One who is conscious.
Let’s come to the poetry of the existence, physics! Who wrote it? Why there is a consistency? Why this consistency never falls apart? What is the secret behind that a proton is connected to an electron, in the same way, with the same equations, everywhere? Or let me ask the question this way, an experiment (science is only experiments!) resulting in the same equations is the guarantee of this equations? Anybody who read some philosophy of science knows that science cannot give us facts, it cannot answer the question “what?” and “why?”, it only ‘tries’ to answer “how?”. It cannot tell you why there is a relation between A and B, tell you how the relation works. Science has no aims of truths or facts, it is not the way. If you ‘believe’ in science, you have a religion of the ’cause and effect’ god. Cause and effect relations are not provable, unless they are absolute, which is only the case when we accept the existense of God and know that He is the only Cause for any single thing. If after A, comes B, it is because every single time God wants so.
That is all clear, believe or not believe.
No power, no force but God. That is the simple, absolute truth.
(I would write more, but I think it is enough for the one understands.)