
Sosthenes #fundie trustingjesus.com

I was thinking about Mitt Romney being elected and then we would have a Mormon leader. I was wondering which direction would be worse and whether we would have a Mormon or a Muslim.

I was wondering about the false prophet since the United States isn't in scripture. Would God ordain a Christian as the higher power (Romans 13) if we were going to be raptured? Wouldn't either one of them being elected give meaning to the term "false prophet" because they might need a power base to falsely prophesy from and how many homes are you televised into when you are elected? If they were elected, they would spread their faith which is what a false prophet does and hence the new meaning I got whether it is theory or not.

Dave #fundie trustingjesus.com

Today, we are in a spiritual battle. The enemy cannot undo the greatest event in history, the event that was his undoing but Satan does not want to go down alone, so in this spiritual battle he is doing his best to remove the Bible and its teachings from the world in a vain attempt to erase that event from the history books so to speak.

In America we have a first hand taste of the results of taking God out of our lives, so, it is not surprising that we high divorce rates, crimes of all sorts, the doing away of absolute right and wrong, the murder of unborn children, and the rise of same sex marriages, and many more evils being visited upon us.

Those leading the attack against the Bible may be flaunting and reveling in these so called victories but if they truly understand the cross they will realize that they have already lost the war and all that they are doing now is storing up the wrath of God.