
Dr. Watson in Afghanistan #conspiracy zinoproject.com

British literature and mathematics have an important influence on modern world military affairs. The thoughts, ideas, and logic by authors such as Lewis Carroll, Charles Darwin, Herbert Spencer, Bertrand Russell and others have affected our stream of consciousness ...and have become a part of our symbolic subliminal mind...which particpates in human daily decisions. Thus symbolic life is composed of math equations, social chemistry formulas, cortex COBOL computer language English language commands, music and song lyrics, art, etc. These optical and audio data formats are input to the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer.......and when data input is composed of garbage...the atomic brain processor computing rule is:
Garbage IN --> Garbage OUT ........and Garbage OUT results in accidents, crime, murder, war, family conflicts, etc.

The Sherlock Holmes story " Reigate Puzzle" with DR.Watson in Afghanistan gives some insight on symbolic mechanics. The story provides math clues to help analyze the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology ...

mathematical-physics war such as in Afghanistan.


What are these MATH signals in the Reigate puzzle that are familiar to ALL the serious Sherlock Holomes fans?
Have you overlooked these details?
What kind of Sherlock Holmes fan are you?


Page 1 of the puzzle of the Reigate Puzzle.

1st sentence clue: " They led, however, in an indirect fashion to a singular and complex problem which gave my friend an opportunity of demonstrating the value of a fresh weapon....."

--> a FRESH WEAPON for year 2011 BRITISH military think tanks
and a FRESH WEAPON for the citizen/brain soldier in their own personal INTELLECTUAL WAR...in the BRAVE NEW WORLD of World War 3 composed of the SCIENCE WARS, Neuroscience wars, and the BIOLOGY algebraic subset BLOG WARS.


Clue 3 --> Z = a + bi = complex number. ZZ implies some math/English language relationship between 2 complex numbers...referred to as a math power series...which in the Darwin evolution of math life has become economic power and political power.

Clue 2 of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle suggests a math sum.

CLue 2 with clue 1 ....suggests a math sum involving SINGULARITIES.

Thus I wonder about these clues...and just happen to have a few complex math books lying around and they mention math existences with these properties. Since these math authors explain it rather good.. ..I'll refer to their concepts. The BLOG reader ought go the main library or college bookstore ...and get a complex math book for details. THe reader must force themselves to learn new basic BRAIN concepts .....THINK like Sherlock Holmes would like us to THINK. One doesn't have to be an expert.....to be vaguely aware of the mathematical-physics components of daily life.

Now we have the major elements:
- the Sherlock Holmes story the Reigate Puzzle
- the 3 clues that have been identified as probable math signals
- the Afghanistan war in Asia with British soldiers ..today and
the Afghanistan war in Asia with Dr.Watson over 100 years ago


Thus we take these empirical data clues and see if their is a mathematical structure that has the CLUE attributes. Upon review of my modern Sherlock Holmes symbolic tool kit (in this case a complex math book)...I see some keywords --> Isolated singular POINT......gee.... that looks like a abstract description of Afghanistan with WEST POINT math warriors fighting an EARTH math war.

Thus we identify the chapter .
--> Laurent series with
--> Laurent expansion of an analytic function ..then the KEY CONCEPT:
--> Isolated Singular points

[color=red][i]Complex Analysis[/i] with Applications (Dover Books on Mathematics ...[/color]

www.amazon.com › Books › Science & Math › Mathematics?
Complex Analysis with Applications (Dover Books on Mathematics) [Richard A. Silverman]\

Just review concepts ... leave details to graduate school math students.
Verlow ..power series and the MODERN political power of math symbols and math social enginerring thoughts.

[...posts sections from the textbook with his own commentary mixed in...]

But we can't just guess at the answer...soldiers are dying ....while waiting for an accurate math answer to the symbolic military question:

What kind of isolated singular point is Afghnaistan?

Meanwhile the SCIENCE WAR unanswered question...continues with complex math battles in the United States ...with the battle reports with --> Isolated singular point... human AGENTS at university INTELLECTUAL Battle zones. Thus the math news reports of the subconscious mind of the American Mathematical Society of Nature's military forces with:

--> Isolated singular point Mr.Cho and the atomic English language conflict at Virginia TECH

--> Isolated singular point Major Hasan and the FORT HOOD ...math deleted neighbor.HOOD with the University of Texas western movie style shootout....like Shakespeare stated ..the "World is a stage....and thus we have FORT Hood western stage...just like advanced DARPA brain experiments with the GUNSMOKE television program...to program the brain computer"

--> Isolated singular point Steven Kaznierczak at the NIL, Cole Hall shooting. Ask WHY?
WHY Steven K. and his Darwinian selection mission of subsets.
...Y...even..K .....with even math life integer BASE 2..thus
...Y....2....K .... thus the Y2K biological clock brain computer .....and university violations of the YEAR 2000 Time Boundary parameters.

Citizens can't bother with these thoughts....after all ..soldiers fight and die ....and students get killed in the SCIENCE WARS--> Time War component......while citizens drink beer, watch television, talk on the cellular phones, play games, etc. Citizens can't be bothered with providing accurate explanations ...thus per the Carl Jung citizen collective unconsciousness ... incomplete explanations and their implied instructions are given to representatives ...who provide the soldier with some (CARL Jung group style: Myths and dreams) fabricated reason about the TRUE NATURE of the conflict...and the trusting soldier will believe the George Orwell propaganda broadcast VIA television and printed by newpspaers.

But NATURE on the other hand....with Computer EARTH..
has set up the Netherland-Sumatra

Courageous thinkers can approach this 2 ways.....because like it or not...everyone is/or will be affected by the SCIENCE WARS.

--> Those with complex math expertise ....would look at the math military symbolic MAP and its details.
--> Those with non-math experience...would get math textbooks...and study the general concepts ...occasionally try to understand the easy pages ...skip... over the hard stuff for the 1st few years. Think of it ...as a long term brain development project that Sherlock Holmes would approve of.

Remember President Eisenhower spoke about the Military Industrial Complex --> in more precise word...the symbolic MILITARY, INDUSTRIAL hard working numbers of COMPLEX math life variables........ military complex numbers in the SYMBOL MACHINE.