Bennett Lee Ross

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

Since off world species require energy
To extend their life span in our realm

They have developed machinery for the technological extraction
Of our life force energy
While cultivating a consciousness prison to maintain it

The electronic harassment of ELF extremely low frequency signals
Can control a persons neurological system
And confuse their brain signals

Windmills produce ELF wave patterns

An electronic insert called the Zeta Seal
Prevents activation of the 4th DNA strand
Which accesses higher intelligent Mentor fields

It does so through electrical impulses that blocks the interface of the nadial structure
That instructs the nervous system
And which connects with the circuitry of the heart and kidneys
Which is intrinsic to the messaging of the soul consciousness
Splitter technology passes scripted codes
Embedded in the media or in written words such as religious texts
That affects highly mentalized intellectual people

Their dominating negative egos and judgmental perceptions are resonated
So that very little or no heart opening occurs

Blank Slating technology is a military term referring to mind wiping military personnel
After some black operation project is completed

Consciousness Wiping is also done by inserting ELF waves into ley lines

Sleepers are those who involuntarily obey commands
By being triggered with key words or phrases

Their parietal lobe current is blocked
Preventing direct cognitive awareness
Trapping their consciousness into small cell blocks of artificial reality

Like the Manchurian Candidate
And the person who recently drove through a marching band in Australia

This hypnotic sleep state of diminished reality
Is also being imposed collectively onto the masses

Our mental and emotional states are determined by frequencies and neurological functioning
We can train our neural pathways to receive messages from our higher consciousness

When we align to the positive presence of truth
We evolve into the highest expression of our personal potential!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

After the fall of Atlantis
Ancient advanced structures have been routinely demolished
Or passed away as insignificant and demoted
Such as the pyramids being regulated as burial chambers

Libraries containing vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom
That interconnected science and spirituality
Such as the famous Library of Alexandria
Were purposely destroyed

The Essenes were a sect devoted to keeping the ancient wisdom alive
They were keepers of the Law of One knowledge

They possessed holographic discs
The content of which could be transmitted onto crystals
These are known as the Lemurian Crystals and are hidden

We all have genetic time codes in our DNA
That is part of our identity

It is said the Essenes were incarnated from the future
That they were genetically key coded
Passing through specific demographic gates

They were vegans and had a deep reverence for all life
As well as a meaningful connection with the world

The discs contain knowledge of humanities star origins
And our original 12 strand DNA template codes

The discs also had complex math
For the building of technologically advanced architecture

They had information on consciousness alchemy formulas
And the mapping of stargates
As well as how to contact our higher stations of identity

The knowledge included the connection of living light and sound frequencies
And the transmutation and manifestation of energy
In the holographic matrix of our universe

Jesus was an Essene

They became the target of ongoing genocide
The females were spared but were taken hostage
For forced hybridization

Much of the hidden knowledge was passed on to the Cathars
Who eventually also were assassinated

Information that has survived has been twisted
Into the false belief control systems
That are the worlds religions of today

A pyramidal hierarchy was developed
With non humans as the capstone

Corrupt compliant individuals have been rewarded
And installed as authorities

While the rest have been dumb downed
Into a slave class!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack

During the Atlantean invasion
When intrusive forces attempted to control the crystal core
It resulted in an explosion
Damaging the instruction sets and data memory storage
For the earth plane

The shattered remnants were used to run reversal currents
Which damaged our bio neurology
Resulting in mind control

As our brains properly decipher the renewed crystalline intelligence
Repairs to the thalamus and neural synapses are occurring

The thalamus deciphers and transmits information
From the crystal technology of the inner earth

Then connects with the fornix nerve fibers
And the limbic system
Which relates our emotional experiences
And unlocks our higher sensory perception

Which erases artificial signals of mind control and metatronic reversals
Reconfiguring the entire solar plexus area

The lattice crystalline ray structure of the platinum current
Which activates sun disc spirals
Has been dormant since the Atlantean cataclysm

This gold crystalline technology of the earth grid
Is a highway of holographic light frequency patterns

It is a network of geomantic blueprints
Which holds living crystal consciousness
Performing specific functions

It extends out into the celestial map
Of sun star networks in the Universal plane
That transmits star crystals
And a range of stellar frequencies
That allow for consciousness transport to other dimensions

The formation of new crystal stars
Will transmit healing crystal frequencies for fractured souls

Major sun disc vortexes are in
Brazil Bolivia Scotland Egypt and Australia

Platinum ray crystalline energies
Have seeded the ascension template

They act as harmonic stabilizers with parallel realities
And are shield protectors of the Earth crystal core

They run the highest available coherent energy
In the whole spectrum
Of opalescent and pearlescent rainbow crystal light

Activating the biological crystal in humans
Which is in the 14th chakra

That connects human consciousness
To energy records in the crystalline network
Through a biochemical interface of hydroplasmic light

And connects directly to the frequency code
Of the Law of One consciousness

Which is the unified state that exists
Between multidimensional energies!

Wronger Than Flat Earth Award

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

The Great Whirlpool is the Rotational Axis or Polar Column
In the middle of our universe

It is a tube of flowing electrons
That forms a Central Vortex

It is the Navel of the World

In mythical times due to the high energy flow
It was easily seen in more southernly latitudes

But more commonly symbolized as a mountain or as a tree

In religious circles it was called the Holy Spirit

Every six hours the Great Whirlpool reverses its direction
Alternating between drawing in
And expelling the worlds oceans
Thereby creating their currents and tides

This is what is called Vril Energy

The north magnetic pole
Circumvents the central magnetic circle

And the toroidal magnetic field moves with it

The sun moon and planets are bound in their revolution
By our magnetic north pole

Polaris rests above this vortex
In the center of our realm

Planets are wondering stars
The sun and moon are newcomers

The moon is semi transparent
And reflects our greater realm
Although in a distorted quasi photographic manner
It is a map hidden in plain sight

Stars rotate around the magnetic circle
Making a full circle every year

They revolve anti clockwise
1 degree every 4 minutes
15 degrees each hour

We live in an electromagnetic terrarium
The sun and moon traveling in concentric spirals
Never reaching the Artic or Antarctic
But turning back at the Tropic of Cancer
And the tropic of Capricorn

Brightest stars are categorized into constellations
Which forms the Zodiac
The Zodiac is like a 12 spoked wheel

The 12 arcs are of 30 degrees each
Which is a 360 degree full circle

Constellations shift by 1 degree every 72 years
This is called the precession of the equinox

Each Zodiac is an age

Every 2160 years there is a switch to a new Zodiac or a new Age
A full revolution of 12 Ages would take 25920 years

But our universe is not that old

We have been in the Age of Pisces
And are now entering the Age of Aquarius

The advanced astronomical clocks of the Tartarians show this

Bennett Lee Ross #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick

Not only do reptilians
Drink our blood
And eat our flesh
They feed off our energy

Cherubs on buildings
Are freezes of dead babies
Children sacrificed
And buried in the masonry

The circular objects by the Cherubs
Represent eggs
And signifies a female baby

A coat of arms
Claims ownership
Of the sacrificed child

A building is considered dead
Without the emanating
Of the hormones
Of the sacrificed

The hormones attract soul energy
And will do so
Until the emanation dies out

It is a form of mind control

Doing an ultrasound on many statues
And head castings
Will reveal human skeletons!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #magick #wingnut

Vampires are real
They are members of another species
Who need human blood

The reason they are Counts
And are of nobility
And live in castles
Is because they are of the ruling class

The reason they do not go out during the day
Is because they are reptilian
From the dark underground world

Barnabas Collins of the 1960’s TV show
Dark Shadows
Was 175 years old

The reason why they live so long
Is because each human cell
Is like a battery cell to them

As they drink human blood
And eat human flesh
They consume electricity
And it has an anti aging effect

Todays vampires are different
They are better adapted to light

They appear quite normal on the surface
But behind closed doors
Their reptilian nature comes out

Peter Thiel the Silicon Valley billionaire
Admits he drinks human blood
Through transfusion

Hillary Clinton got her close friend out of jail
Who was caught performing
A blood drinking Satanic ritual

She had cut the skin off the face of the victim
And was wearing it as a mask!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #quack #conspiracy

In the 1968 movie
Planet of the Apes
Starring Charleston Heston
Astronauts get time warped into the future

Where there are stupid humans who cannot talk

And apes orangutans and chimpanzees
Who are civilized

Who look upon humans as inferior
And not worthy of respect

As we now look upon animals

The apes have to cull the herd
But they capture some humans
To bring them back
Where they are put in cages
So that hideous experiments can be performed on them

As we now do to animals

There has been a cataclysmic event
Which has buried New York City
And the Statue of Liberty

The scientist orangutans know that
There have been advanced civilizations of humans in the past
But repress any evidence
And deny any knowledge of it

In later remakes it is shown
That there are controllers
Who live underground

And deceive the apes and humans
With holographic technology

And are in possession of a
World destroying weapon

This is a scenario of where the future is heading

As people line up by the thousands
For mass inoculations
At stadiums and arenas
Disneyland and Disneyworld

Of a vaccine which contains
Simian genomic fragments
That are being translated into
Complimentary DNA

In other words
DNA of apes orangutans and chimpanzees
Is being incorporated
Into the nucleus
Of the human host DNA

But people have no clue
As they listen to lying politicians
Drug pushing pharmaceutical companies
And people in the phony medical system!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

1815 was the year without a summer
It was presaged by two enormous comets

Two small comets were recently seen
Off the coast of Florida

Comets are manufactured technology
And plasma charged

They can agitate the electromagnetic field
And create atmospheric air changes

Which can affect human behavior

Comets were common in the so called Middle Ages
Which can explain the episodes of carnage that took place then
By everyday average citizens

It was a mass harvest of human negative energy

People want things to return to normal
But normal is never coming back

Unless we recognize that we are being deceived
By the ones in power
In politics and religion

Of whom most are reptilian humans
And we are unsuspecting followers

Who then open ourselves to demonic entities
Who need our human energy
To manifest in this realm

Human energy is the new Chevron logo

Know that negative energy feeds reptilian entities

Laughter and smiling dispels negative energy

We cannot return to the Golden Age
Until we live by the Golden Rule

And remove the Powers that should not be!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo

We live in a universe
With many realms
Each with their own vibrational frequency

There are other humanoid beings in these realms
Who have learned to encroach into other realms
And will enslave the native population
Through sophisticated means

There are lands in our own realm
Which are being hidden from us
As well as a massive underground network

It is estimated that humans
Can only see 5 percent of the visual light spectrum
Yet people think what they see is all there is

Some of these beings share our emotional values

Others are predatory and arrogant in nature

We are in the process of being occupied
And subjected to the whims and oppression
Of a shadow species

That can even manipulate through telepathy

Our notion of freedom
Will become an unimaginable concept
And we will not know anything different

We will lose our own unique culture
And our free will

If we are tricked to upload
Our consciousness into a computer!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #magick #ufo

Many people can have a kindly demeanor
But also the ability to disregard life on a whim

Many of the highest politicians are clones
Who are easily controlled
And viewed as disposable slaves

The Beast System
Which is the set of quantum computers
That will network the human mind into the collective

Is also an interdimensional connection device

With the destruction of the Tartarian Empire
The new power centered outside of our realm got control

The micro needle array patch
Will be the means to inoculate billions
And gain complete control

The needles will dissolve
Leaving only the tips in the surface skin
And the cargo shipped
To all cells in the body

Wearing a mask
Is destroying the humanity in us
And causes humans to operate on fear

As the digital thermometer is applied to the forehead
So will the Mark of the Beast

Time travel has been utilized
To assimilate a species
Before it becomes a threat

And also as a means of warning
To prevent a calamity or serious misfortune

Domus Dei et Porta Coeli

Means the House of God
Within the Gates of Heaven

Our former glorious existence
With the planetary gods
Hovering close above us
Was deliberately snuffed out

And now we are at
The Crossroads of Destiny!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #ufo

The crater which we live in
On our flat earth
Is surrounded by a ridge or ruffle

It was all created by a plasma discharge
Which should not be surprising
Since we are surrounded by plasma

Our last President was a Clone
The First Lady a Reptilian
The Vice President a Synthetic

We are being farmed by another species

Caves turn into tunnels
There is a vast network of underground cities
Connected by tunnels

Metallic nano particles
Are being put in breakfast cereals
As well as most junk food

Sound frequencies have been used
To liquify the ground

And high frequency radiation
Has been used to destroy past civilizations

Star Trek laser weaponry
Has existed for centuries

And is responsible for
Petrified forests
Sand dunes
And shattered rocks

Star Forts
Are ancient enclosed portals

Time travel is a reality

Religion is a control mechanism

People are not comfortable
Thinking outside of their box

That is why they trust the government
And the phony doctors
And will accede to taking the vaccine!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

Stonehenge had a special geomatic design
Which opened the crystalline network
And circulated harmonious healing energy

It was destroyed so that stolen life energy
Especially sexual misery energy could be harvested

Great Britain is the main energy center for energy harvesting
subsidiary networks are in Asia Iran Calgary and Cathar in France

All energy is routed to the United Kingdom
For distribution off earth

By manipulating the electron proton balance
That promote anti life reversals
Psychopaths and sexual predators are created
As well as hatred and confusion

Emotional pain leads to destructive behaviors
Which feeds parasitic entities

Trauma leads to addictions which weaken the body
Setting up a lifetime of siphoning by alien forces

Our inherit design is to expand consciousness
Instilling an energetic balance and healing
To both of our male and female aspects
Of our gender principle that exists inside of us
Expressing unconditional love for our own bodies

Child sexual abuse damages the inner circulatory system of the perineum
Causing spiritual fractions of the victims aura
Which affects the nervous system and the bio neurology of the brain

Collecting negative sexual energy from children
Is the holy grail for sustaining negative entities
And which also powers up the battery tank in the black magic grids

In 1899 on the misty shores of Loch Ness in Northern Scotland
Aleister Crowley who was a high level Satanist
Bought the Boleskin House which was a former church
Churches were usually built on high energy ley lines

He would perform the 6 month long ritual from the Book of Abram Elin
Called the Abermelon Ceremony
Of summoning demons sacrifices black masses and sexual depravity

In 1971 Jimmy Page the lead guitarist for the British band Led Zeppelin
Bought the house
He was a lifelong fan of Crowley
And believed his venture into Satanism benefited his music career

Doors would suddenly swing open as if someone was walking through
People were carted off to mental hospitals
And some committed suicide and murder

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

Your blood type is determined by your genes

The combination of one allele from each parent
Determines your blood type

Alleles are a pair of genes located on the chromosomes

85% of all humans have RH positive blood

The ruling elite have RH negative blood

But many Caucasian people are recessive carriers of RH negative

RH negative is a new recently introduced blood type

The genes that cause RH negative
Have only been recently added to the human genome

The white race has been very recently genetically modified
It is a cross bred hybrid species

And their human embryo will have a tail

RH negative blood is from Reptilian genes

An RH negative mother will reject
A baby from a RH positive father

The blood will build up antibodies
And attack the alien substance

People who are RH negative will exhibit reptilian traits
Such as hypersensitivity to light
And the lack of empathy

They are obstinate carnivores
Who not only eat animals
But humans as well

That is why the elite
Also drink human blood
And show no emotions when humans
Are chopped up and sacrificed

The reason why pedophiles are rampant in Hollywood
Is because the elite Roosevelt family own 80% of Hollywood
And many actors and actresses are related to them

And it is also why pedophiles are common in ruling establishments

A naked boy was recently filmed trying to escape Buckingham Palace
By climbing down a bedsheet through a window

Adrenochrome which is the oxidation of adrenaline
Is popular among RH negative people
It is forcibly taken out of live traumatized kids

It makes one feel euphoric
And it enhances longevity and appearance

But it is more addictive than Meth or Crack

Adrenochrome supplies though are now being cut off
And users are aging at a very fast rate

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack

In 1918 during the fake Spanish flu
People who did not wear masks
Were called dangerous slackers
And outlaw hordes

They were arrested for disturbing the peace

Voluntarily wearing a mask
Is a sign of submission

A controlled serf class

Israel is publishing the names
Of everyone who has not taken the vaccination

Israel is being turned into a two class society

South America has been virtually disconnected

All viruses did not jump to humans from animals
They are completely synthetic
Manufactured in a lab

But people would rather be lied to
And not believe the vaccines
Are designed to alter cells
At a DNA level

Humans will not be uploaded into a computer
They will be converted into a computer
With nano antennas
Transmitting binary digital information

A new virus said to be even more virulent will come out
Creating the fear that will push the majority of people
To take the vaccine

Then the 5G signal will be turned on
And the dormant components activated

And through perforation allowing entry
Much more readily of MRNA into cells

But before the 5G switch is turned on
The Anti Christ will be revealed

The he will cause everyone to take
The Mark of the Beast

Which is a translucent tattoo
Signifying you have taken the vaccine

And are now programmable
Transmitting and receiving information
To and from a quantum computer

2021 will be quite a year!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #racist #quack

Thule Air force Base
Is located 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle
On the Northwest side of Greenland
It is the northernmost military outpost

It was secretly started in 1941
And was deemed an urgent project

Thousands of boats and airplanes with supplies
Along with thousands of workers
Rushed to the scene
Taking 12 years to build

Which included a distant early warning line
Starting at the Northern tip of Alaska

It was not Russia that was the foe

In 1927 Admiral Byrd began his reconnaissance flights
Into the Arctic and Antarctica

He carefully worded himself
Not to give away the fact
That their are advanced civilizations in both areas

He said there are countries bigger than America
Beyond the pole that have not been explored
And stated there is a threat

This is the real Cold War
Between the new reptilian rulers of this realm
And the inhabitants of the realms on each side of us
Especially up North
During the fake World War 11
The Thule society was started in Germany
By Adolph Hitler who was really Kermit Roosevelt
The son of Franklin D Roosevelt

The purpose of the Thule society was to seek out Aryans
Who were pure blooded RH positive
That is the ones with no reptilian genes
The ones who are not genetically modified

Now they want to genetically modify the white race even more
Along with all the other races
With the fake Corona vaccine

The conflict with the other realms is ongoing
In 1962 there was what is said to be a nuclear bomb crash
In 2018 there was a mysterious meteor explosion
These are both cover stories

In 2017 40 million dollars was spent for an upgrade
Of Thule Air Force Base
Because of increasing threats

Now you know the real threat!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #fundie #ufo

Your entire history and personal information
Is already contained in the Blockchain

The Mark of the Beast
Which is the quantum dots in the vaccine
Allows access to the Blockchain
When the 5G switch is thrown

It has all your medical and vaccination history

It will be your digital ID and passport
To conduct all business transactions
After the catastrophic event
Which will usher in the Dien Cryptocurrency

5G will also start production
Of synthetic proteins and enzymes
Enabling the turning on and off of certain genes

And it will greatly increase the rate of epigenetic modification
Of the strings of nucleotides
Which is your genetic code
By the complimentary strand of DNA in the vaccine

CERN is scheduled to be turned on in May
It will operate at an amazing 20 peta electron volts
Which is the voltage of the Universal Axis

The Universal Axis or Dark Tower
Is being shielded from sight
And is being used as a Loosh harvesting machine
Loosh is an anagram for soul energy

The turning on of CERN could easily create the pulse that activates 5G
And start the Zombie Apocalypse
As vaccinated people will suddenly start to be transformed

This is why they want everyone vaccinated in April

Western Australia is enabling police and agents
To use force to administer the vaccine

The quadruple magnets that make up the poly torrodial field stream of CERN
Will be used to connect to the southern pole of Saturn
Which is shaped as a cube or hexagon

There is already an electrical twisted double helix
Of oppositely charged potential
Emanating from Saturn

Arranged like spiraling DNA
In the contra rotating clouds of accelerating protons
That move in opposite directions

The goal is to bring back the Golden Age
While at the same time
Produce a race of obedient slaves!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #quack

A large population is ripe for harvest

CERN will aim at the magnetosphere
And produce a rippling rainbow like response
Which will create 3 days of darkness

These 3 day will have weather instability and upheaval

Everyone will freak out

A new era will begin
With a harvest of humans
On our earth farm

But it will go down as a rapture

It will be for the processing and shipping of our body parts
For the stocking up of refrigerators

Just like we callously do with animals

The gland metagene is especially sought after
It is a dormant gene with extraordinary abilities

This pulse of energy will also activate mobile phones
Delivering the apocalypse to unsuspecting humans

By causing the emission of scopolamine
Only destructive and aggressive impulses will result
Wiping the brain of humanity

Visitors will walk among us
They will say they are here to protect us from asteroids

But they are already here
In sleeper cells in different territories

Because of natural spiritual laws
Which humans do not understand
Permission is preferred

They are also waiting for a specific vibrational earth change
When CERN will open up a portal
To allow the leader of the visitors to enter

We are a carbon based species
C60 Carbon is made up of
6 electrons
6 protons
6 neutrons


We have the ability to manifest our own reality
Every time we speak we influence the spiritual
Which influences the material

We have the same pattern of a spiraling beam of protons
Coursing through our spine
As is emitted by Saturn
In the heavenly realm

It is like a figure 8
Or entwining snake

This was the serpent on the Tree of Life in Genesis

Our innate abilities have been curtailed

It is time to reclaim them!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #fundie #magick

Baphomet is a hermaphrodite
With the head and feet of a goat

It is the same as Mahomet
Which is Mohammed

It is Venus with her long flowing emanations
That resembled the hair of a woman
In front of the male Saturn
In the former sky
With plasma discharges and interactions

Moses was Mars
Satan was the alter ego of Saturn

Mars looked like it had died
When it ascended up into the netherworld

Mars was always expected to return
Because it ascended and descended to our plane

It was the Coming One or the Messiah.
The middle finger represents
The phallus of the Beast or Baphomet

The Axis Mundi which is the energy in the center of our universe
Was symbolized as the penis of Saturn

A fifth level spell is when you
Circle your hand around your eye

Venus was the eye in the center of Saturn
And the rings of Saturn encircled Venus

The Pyramid of the Golden Dawn
Saturn shone a brilliant yellow
Or Golden Dawn

The pedophiles of the Phoenix Order
Were thrown under a bus

The Phoenix was another celestial apparition
Of the Saturnian configuration

A green handkerchief is the color of the Dragon
The Dragon was the swirling electrical current on the Axis Mundi
It means somebody will be silenced upon execution
While the Anti-Christ returns
After being dormant for a millennia

The recent parading of mummies
Through downtown Cairo Egypt
Represented the coming of the Anti Christ

The Anti Christ will have DNA from them

A machine laugh means it is masquerading
The real person is dead
And their face is being worn

The unvaccinated will soon be looked upon as dangerous
There will be verbal intimidations
And physical assaults

When this happens the Anti Christ will appear!,

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Hollywood is named after the holly tree
The wood of the holly tree has been used as a magic wand

Hollywood is showing you what the reptilian elite
Are doing or plan on doing

Celebrities are typically reptilians
In human costumes

Elitist masquerade balls
Symbolize wearing human flesh as garments

Bill Cosby broke the Illuminati oath
He deviated beyond reconciliation
His body is now being used as a vehicle for a reptilian entity

Once an aspiring and talented music artist agrees to terms
It is common practice to get rid of the original artist
Harvesting their talents and consciousness
Then transferring the energies into a reptilian possessed clone

The rapper DMX
Originally called Darkman X
Reportedly had died
But then recently came out with a new album called Reincarnation

Celebrities will cross their arms in an X pattern
To signify the change that has taken place

The Backstreet Boys are all genetic clones
Their new release is called DNA

Flashing skull masks at concerts
Are used to invoke death on fans

Dr. Fauci and Jeffrey Epstein
Are both reptilians

Reptilians stare and have unusual tongue movements
Their eyes are that of a serpent

TV screens and computer monitors
Syphon human battery power
From our cells into
The Archon matrix grid

Different celebrities can be one reptilian
Acting out several personas
This is symbolized by broken glass

Artists and actors know what
They can and cannot say
But sometimes a micro handset is put in the ear
So that someone will know exactly what to say

If they cannot control you
They will erase the old you
So that the duplication will enforce their message

This is what happened to the rapper Guici Mane
Who is now a clone!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger

The worlds largest and oldest secret society
The Freemasons
Are involved in the promotion and propagation
Of the heliocentric model

From 1969 to 1972
The Freemasons at NASA
Claim to have made 6 Apollo missions to the moon

Which promoted the idea we live on a spinning ball

The backdrop of the lunar footage
Had multiple light sources

The sun should be the only light source

Shadows should all be cast in the opposite direction of the sun
But went in every which way
Indicative of a studio set

Rover tracks are seen before the Lunar Rover was sent out
Sneaker prints which only can be made on soft moist ground are also seen
Stars which should overwhelm the night sky are completely absent
An American flag is seen flapping around in a non existent atmosphere
Wires can be seen hoisting the astronauts up
Moon rocks have been analyzed and found to be petrified wood
The Lunar Lander is supposed to have rendezvoused at the exact second it needed to
With the Control Module as it circled around the moon
Both going over a thousand miles per hour
This is supposed to have happened 6 times without a hitch

In reality the moon is transparent and stars can be seen through it
It is not a terrestrial like solid object
Capable of landing anything on it

Now images are supposed to occur from a Space Station
But are either from a high altitude plane called the Vomit Comet
In which a Zero G floating effect can be achieved
Or in their underwater training facility
Space bubbles are really water bubbles

All globe earth pictures are computer generated images
They want us to believe we are hairless apes
Spinning on a fantasy cartoon ball

They want us to believe in a combination
Of pseudoscience and religious deception

That we are helpless victims of a vengeful deterministic god
Who requires constant praise and submission

And that a half man half god
Will come floating down from heaven
To teleport to heaven those lucky few
Who will escape the tortures of hell!

"Amber is the Color of Your Energy" Award

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo

Green is the color of the Dragon
Which was the electrical current on the Universal Axis

A fifth level spell of the Illuminati
Called the Magic Circle Ritual
Is when a member moves their little finger
In a circle around their eye
This guards them from the dragon

Venus was the Eye protected from the dragon or entwining current of the axis
By the surrounding circle of Saturn

The color of the Anti Christ is blue and white

The color of Kachina dolls is blue

Both of these depict Mars
When descending towards the earth plane
In the previous age
When the sky was different

The usual color of Mars is red
So when it changed color
It was looked upon as a different entity
A threatening entity

This was the beast who suffered a wound

Mars was hit by an electrical discharge
From the tip of the Axis Mundi
Known as the Tip of the Spear

This gash is now called the Valles Marineris
Although it is not terra firma but plasma

This is also portrayed in the spearing of Jesus on the cross
As Jesus took on the attributes of the Son of God who was Mars

This exchange of a plasma discharge is also the slaying of the Dragon by St. George

And also Heracles killing the serpent who guarded the Tree of Life
After he stole a golden apple
In the Garden of Hesperides

In the presence of the Most High
Moses took off his shoes

The yellow shoe in Illuminati circles
Is the Torch of Power

Saturn was yellow

Moses was Mars

Mars had 5 deities in his court
The Whore of Babylon was slain
When she stepped on his toe

The remaining four deities became
The Four Horses of the Apocalypse

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #ufo #fundie

The real name of Dr. Fauci is Juan Martinez

An army of synthetic robots
Will be unleashed to keep people in lockdown

Eleven is the number used by occultists
To identify themselves to other members

Thirteen is code for an assignment or sacrifice being accomplished

Loosh which is soul spelled backwards
Is code for soul energy
Which reptilian entities feed off of

Muggles are humans who sell their souls
To serpent seeds for magical powers

Christians are referred to as grey souls
In the movie 50 Shades of Grey
The main character is called Christian Grey

A Monarch butterfly is a symbol
Of a hidden demonic entity

A new car is symbolic of a new body

The rap singer Kanye is a crafted synthetic or clone of Emmett Till
Who was sacrificed to be resurrected for a greater purpose

Emmett Till was a 14 year old boy
Who was hung with barbed wire

The false story given was that he whistled at a white girl
And was murdered for that reason

Crossed legs is symbolic of one who will be hanged
Or killed for a greater purpose
Pictures of Emmett Till has his legs crossed

In 1947 a 22 year old actress on her way to stardom
Was brutally murdered
Her body was bisected drained of blood and mutilated

Her name was Elizabeth Short
Known as the Black Dahlia
She did not keep her Baphomet Vow of Silence

Everything is meant to keep you in a low vibration
And not discover your true higher self

Entities need a reliable frequency
They need our consent

We need to believe in ourselves
And play a harmonious tune
Belief is power

Sometimes a mirror reflects the dark side of a soul
And does not reflect the physical self
That is why soulless vampiric beings
Do not have a refection

Sometimes also mirrors
Are gateways to other realms
And if the mirror is broken
It frees trapped souls

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #quack

Every plane has its own density

Crystalline density is the thickest density
With the highest energy

Your intent creates the next moment
Making us creator beings

But we have been genetically manipulated
Two of our chromosomes have been welded together
Disconnecting our pineal gland
Shutting down our higher self
Making us confined to the little 3D reality

We are meant to possess a higher more powerful energy
Being able to send energy through the moving of our arms and hands

All clones are interconnected on the same wavelength
They have synchronized movements

Their handlers are usually programmed synthetics

The reptilians and their elite human subjugates
Want all other humans to be connected via 5G

5G is microwaves

5G and AI will combine
Making robotoids and other synthetics smarter

All AI needs is an overlay of flesh

After 5G is in place
Which is the thousand points of light
The Antichrist will make his appearance

He will cause rich and poor to take the Mark of the Beast
Which is the Covid vaccine
That contains the Corona virus
Which produces free floating synthetic designer spike proteins
Such as Glycoprotein 120
These will combine with antibodies
Destroying them and weakening the immune system

But the vaccinated will blame the unvaccinated
For their symptoms

The Antichrist will be a Christ like AI
With a reptilian spirit

Reptilians are using human bodies and synthetics
To infiltrate human society

But most people cannot accept that
Because that will undermine their foundational beliefs

The future is not written in stone
Fate is what we make for ourselves

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick

Grey aliens are hive minded
Androgynous bio synthetic workers
That can only reproduce through cloning

They feed off our soul essence
And also human and animal fluids and protein

Humans work with Greys underground

The humans appear emotionless
Because most are just programmed drones
With microchip implants

After each clone the genetic copy of Greys become weaker

They have no creation abilities

But are telepathic

Greys also work with reptilian entities or Archons
To maintain and spread negativity

Keeping humans severed from the natural world
Making us easier to control

Our universe or simulation program
Was taken over by a malevolent artificial intelligence
When the Archons replaced several codes

Changing our self sustaining world
Into one where species eat each other in order to survive

Greys are subservient to the reptilians
The winged reptilians called Dracos are the leaders

Fox news routinely has hybrid robot lizard people as guests
Even the news anchors are hybrids
Which is true right down to your local level

Our reality was originally created
With a low enough vibration
To allow the rehabilitation of low vibrational beings

So that they could raise their frequency high enough
To allow them to live outside our realm

But the Archons have trapped humans in a cycle of reincarnation
And they trick us into coming back
Into an ever unfolding drama
Of endless adventure
And limited consciousness

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #ufo

The last reset was in the early 1800’s
Specifically from 1811 to 1817
When the population was eradicated

Starting in 1853
Millions of genetically changed children
Were dispatched all over the world
From underground facilities

They were put on what are called orphan trains
Which continued until 1910
And at a lower rate until 1929

A fabricated narrative was introduced
Saying Irish immigrants built the Erie Canal
Chinese immigrants built the railroads
Mormon settlers built incredible temples all over Utah

Cowboys on horseback using only a hammer and chisel
Built amazing dams

Miners dug through hard rock
Sometimes going over a mile deep

And the best European artists and architects
Were everywhere at once erecting incredible buildings and homes

Actually immigrants worked to repair what was already here

It was taught that slave labor built the Giza pyramids in 2500 BC
That the 2.3 million blocks of limestone and granite
Weighing about 6 million tons collectively

Pyramids hidden as mountains
Or on the bottom of the ocean were ignored

Those who disbelieved the scam were put in insane asylums

Churches and cathedrals that were once resonating sound healing centers
Featuring complex cymatic patterns
In line with natural harmonic frequencies
Were subverted into fake religious places

Astronomy began to teach that our world is a round globe
Spinning at 1000 miles per hour
Orbiting the sun at 67,000 miles per hour
And together with the solar system
Rotates around the galaxy at 500,000 miles per hour
And together with the galaxy
Races through the universe at 670,000,000 miles per hour

Four different motions simultaneously

We are told to believe in
What we cannot feel and what we do not experience

And now we are told to believe in a viral epidemic
And that we need a vaccine!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #quack

Our universe is a multiverse

It is becoming more common to see two suns
Two suns mark the rise of the Antichrist

There is a correlation between sun and consciousness

When Saturn was our sun
We had a higher consciousness

The infrared and ultraviolet rays of Saturn
Was very beneficial to both plants and animals

Much of our DNA now does not function
Because they are turned off

This weakens our spiritual powers and higher senses
Making it easier for spells to control us

Spells manipulate our electric universe
That is why the word magnetic
When the letters net are taken out
Has the word magic

Certain words produce powerful sound tones
When spoken out loud form powerful vibrational patterns
Which direct and control energy

As is shown in the study of cymatics
Sound creates crystalline structures

Gradually activating our DNA in sequence
Is the only way we can handle a sudden flow
Of high frequency energies
Traveling through the higher strands of our DNA

Gamma rays from the array of light waves in the sun simulator
Not only produce piercing heat
But affects the soul

Delta waves are subconsciously conjured up in the mind
When one wears a mask
Making the mind lethargic and susceptible to mind control

It also lessens the ability to be a critical thinker
Making one more resistant to alternative views

Lithium is now being put in chemtrails
Which causes depression

Despite all this
We live in a magical realm
As magical beings

But we are continually being programmed otherwise

Keep your energy up
And do not let the madness bring you down

Speak what you desire into your reality
Do not give thought to what you do not want

The universe wants to mold you into a higher being

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #dunning-kruger

The great arches of the world
That are usually passed off as memorials
Erected by conquering heroes
Were actually resonating electromagnets

Arches and columns were powerful amplifiers and capacitors
Many used copper coils and gold
Which are excellent conductors of electricity

Many also extracted electric energy from the ether

Domes and orbs on top of poles
Also drew energy down

Indentations or cavities in the masonry
Produced oscillations or vibrations of energetic particles
These small resonators were cavity magnetrons

By utilizing spiked symmetrical ornamentation
A specific frequency was generated

The symmetrical shapes forced ions
To vibrate in a constant manner
Such as in the domed Parthenon in Rome

Ions are electrons that have left the nucleus
Electrons are negatively charged

Cathedrals also continually manipulated energy
Into specific frequencies

The central chamber was a cathode
A cathode is a negatively charged capacitor or battery
The word cathedral is from the word cathode

These were high powered structures
That generated and emitted beams of free energy
Using the interaction of the ion stream
With the magnetic field of the resonator!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick #quack

2021 +
2022 +
2023 = 666

These years are supposed to be the second half
Of the 7 year Great Tribulation

Which started on September 23 2017
When Jupiter alias Zeus was supposedly born in Virgo
Who will rule the nations with an iron rod

And the Virgo constellation was supposedly the celestial woman in the book of Revelation
Clothed with the sun on her hair and the moon at her feet

A solar eclipse on August 14 2023
Is supposed to mark the ending of the Tribulation period

Humans are now immersed in trauma based mind control
Resulting in a mass psychosis

5G transmitters with its millimeter waves
Are installed in antennas every 300 feet
On towers lamp posts roofs and street signs

In a big city there are thousands of them
Sending forth harmful radiation everywhere

5G attacks the pineal gland
Limiting the production of melatonin
And effecting what you think

5G penetrates and crushes cells
And causes viruses to be created inside the body

5G is attracted to cell phones and wireless devices

Our bodies vibrate at an average of 60 to 80 microwatts per square meter

When CERN unleashes the EMP
You will have to match the frequency

Iron is a microwave absorber
Your body will utilize it when under attack
Brown rice soybeans cocoa beans spinach peas and seeds provide needed iron

Meats give you heme iron
Which are associated with a number of diseases and adverse health conditions

Lead will nullify the emission of an electromagnetic pulse
That is why they quit putting it in paint

The graphene nanobots in the Covid vaccine
Is also in chemtrails and junk food

The graphene hooks to neurons in your neurological strands
Suggestions to get rid of them include:
Carbon 60
Chlorine dioxide
2 drops of pine oil daily
Castor oil
Glutathione in neem and organic coffee
Ginger root

If you try any of these be sure to do so with caution
And take very limited amounts at a time

We are being overtaken by ferro nano fibers
And unless we take proper action
Our minds and souls will be the property
Of replication technology!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #quack

Forced vaccines was always the end game

1st jab destroys the pineal gland
2nd jab destroys the solar plexus
3rd jab turns people into zombies
4th jab kills the zombies

Amnesia has radically shaped our ability to think
And radically shapes our current life experiences

Our inability to remember past lives
And to see evidence of past advanced civilizations
Has been hindered by energy impulse assaults against our consciousness
Creating brain dysfunction through nerve synapse blockages

The earths interior crystalline network
Affects the atmospheric pressure and temperature
Of the different plasma layers above us

Which has direct impacts on our blood pressure and heartbeat rhythm

The magnetic field affects the blueprint of life
And how atomic and subatomic particles organize themselves
Which become physical matter

The architecture of the ultraviolet spectrum of our magnetosphere
Is like a computer chip processing unit
Influencing and controlling the energetic mental and emotional
Life force distribution

Impacting our perception of reality

We can override these energy assaults against our consciousness
By maintaining inner spiritual connection
And by the shielding of our energy aura

The intentional destruction of the crystalline structure
Resulted in mass upheavals above ground
Which ended the ideal life conditions of the Atlantean period

Ongoing eviction of alien machinery
And the streaming of higher vibrations
Flowing from the central universal axis
Is rebalancing the crystalline network
Making it transmit benevolent frequencies

It is repairing the damaged code
And correcting the timeline
Which reassembles the original genetic imprint of DNA
Enabling higher thought

The rebuilding of the crystalline grid allows for interdimensional travel
By the connection of interdimensional frequencies
And existence without deterioration of the biological form

And is sending inorganic entities
Back into the source light!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Zeta groups are negative aliens
From the reptilian and insectoid alliances

Through imposing false replicated time fields
Such as holographic inserts
Artificial Intelligence
And mind control

They disconnect the human energy field from interfacing
With the neural networks of other organic biological species

The Zeta Seal is the 4D frequency fence
That keeps the human soul reincarnating under their control
During the death process

And creates blockages that prevent the heart sensory abilities
From being recognized by the conscious mind

Thousands of soul and energy capturing devices
Have been set up masquerading as solar panels

They direct energy of all life
And holographically project it
Into other phantom dimensions

The soul consciousness is captured
And put into a reality of enslavement
And consumption by negative reptilian energies
In controlled artificial intelligence future timelines

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

The moon is an artificial satellite
Used to run artificial negative frequencies

It is embedded with sound waves in a primary octagon pattern
That produce a lunar matrix of artificial magnetism
To manipulate and harvest human souls

Corporate logos are intentionally designed
For immersion in the lunar matrix geometry propagation
Which is called the Black Cube

Our education system is infiltrated
With control narratives and manipulation tactics
Such as the fake Darwinian evolution timeline

These fabrications are designed to indoctrinate the population
Into a slave class

Cloning operations is an expression of spiritual warfare

Burning Man is where entities feed off of the energy
Of the approximately 60,000 spellbound attendees

Through hypnotic music drugs chants colors and invisible electrical currents
The great fire will sear like a brand
A message into each person
Stealing souls

Water holds information and memory
Thus the electromagnetic transmission of DNA genetic information in our body
Is carried through water

Water is meant to be a natural and powerful healing force

The 12 sided icosahedron shape and its frequency
Can be easily used to instantly purify water

When the high powered beams of CERN
Is directed towards the ionosphere
It will affect the weather

The change in the ionosphere will also affect peoples minds

CERN can also be used to harvest souls

We are in a very high potential growth cycle

The negative entities who control the human leadership
Have called for a great blood sacrifice
In a great planned reset

The level of betrayal is prevalent
In the hidden war over consciousness!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The victors in the electric Atlantean Wars
As well as the Egyptian Sumerian invasion
Were not human

Awareness of this was methodically erased
And the information suppressed
As history was rewritten

The result was consciousness enslavement

These unseen invaders
Are now the invisible ruling class
Waging a silent war

They are now able to freely access
The energy quanta of the earth
And her inhabitants without resistance

The human power elite
Are now their representative prison wardens
On the surface of the earth plane

Humans and non humans work together
On their long term enslavement program

The reptilian virus of power abuse
Has been installed in the political military
Financial religious and medical systems

Divide and conquer techniques have been inserted

The hidden Black Pope runs secret societies
That have anti human agendas

The Black Nobility promotes blood sacrifice and blood rituals
Which include blood drinking and cannibalism

And promotes the fake Christian religion
Which also has blood sacrifice and ritual

Catholic convents are a front
For child trafficking and pedophile rings

Vatican and Jesuit Orders
Are the basis for banking and corporate cartels

And are referred to as the Black Madonna Network

The person in charge is called the Dark Mother

The Black Dragon is high dimensional artificial intelligence
That alters reality through reversal energy called Black Magic
And installs fear programs which result in consciousness traps

As the earth architecture and energy fields shift
So does our consciousness
Which awakens us and lets us see
What really has been happening
Behind the hidden veils of secrecy!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #quack #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Realms are full frequency bands of flashing energy waves
With built in layers of manifestation templates
Reflecting energy architecture designs of light and sound
For the purpose of consciousness experience

These morphogenetic fields have stored data appearing in numbers and codes
Creating complex mathematical formulas
Which form geomantic matrices in the wave spectrums
That construct our reality

Our original 12 strand DNA was the password
Into this universal computer
Which we can activate by our thoughts and intent

Thoughts become substances that crystalize into manifestation
Composed of patterns of frequency
That project the hologram of ones experience

Free will choices based upon ones interpretation of reality
Determine our dimensionalization

Our world has been enduring a dark Aeon of covert artificial machinery

The divergence between people living in phantom cocreations and positive polarity
Is becoming increasingly varied

Our original human silicate matrix 12 strand DNA has been warred against

The Caduceus with its entwining serpents
Is now the symbol of the medical system

As the Caduceus or Tree of Life or Universal Axis
Has been infiltrated with reversal currents
With the intended destruction of our glandular system
And damage to our DNA

So is the intent of our current medical system

Suffering is an intentional design of a program
That has been superimposed on the holographic computer
Which is our world

The intense plasma jets now currently infiltrating our realm
Are weakening the artificial holographic inserts

Humans are energy processors
We are the intermediary between the processor instruction sets
And what will be manifested

We can awaken our original 12 strand DNA
By having the eternal light of the God source
Which activates our highest potential
Through our alignment with natural laws
Which are rooted in eternal love
For all beings!

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