Various Commenters #racist

RE: Chinese Attitudes Toward Immigrants: Emerging, Divided Views

"South-Korea, the U.S. and Japan were the most common countries of origin among China-based migrants"

Ok, 2 out of 3 of those constitute the same race as the Chinese themselves so that's not true diversity. That would be like the US taking more whites from Europe.

(Francis Galton)
Yup, I noticed that, too. And the rest "Southeast Asia and Western Europe." I wonder what Chinese attitudes towards immigration would be if they got a real taste of third-world diversity. I'm guessing it might be a bit more negative.

(Tom C)
The Chinese should be the last to complain about immigration. They have invaded every last nook and cranny in the world. There is no village without a Chinese, no exaggeration. In Southeast Asia, they basically run the economies of the locals.



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