David J. Stewart #fundie #wingnut #homophobia stewart1611.blogspot.com
I have been frustrated since President Joe Biden came to power in the White House. President Trump kept his promise to erect a 2,000 milelong Mexican border wall to keep out illegal immigrants. It's about time! But now President Biden is effectively undoing the good Mr. Trump accomplished, allowing 25,000 immigrants into the country this week alone. Joe Biden wants to make all the illegals legal.
By allowing poor and unskilled immigrants to continue flooding into the country, parasiting off American taxpayers who have to pay the bills, President Biden is fulfilling John Lennon's dream of a country without borders, because without borders a nation ceases to be a country! By promoting multiple Bible versions, churches and Bible colleges are helping to build the New World Order, denying that we have one absolute infallible Holy Bible today in English. By preaching various plans of salvation, people everywhere are confused in the churches.
This is where John Lennon's foolish ideas actually lead, to a breakdown of law and order. The 2020 riots were a reality check, showing the moral condition of our country today. Democrats and wacky liberals pulled down historical statues across the country, even destroying a statue of Christopher Columbus. You may not like our nation's often ugly history, but it is still our history. We cannot change the past. By tearing down historical monuments in an attempt to erase our past, it only dooms us to repeat the past instead of learning from it. There is much wisdom in what I just said.
The reason why America is in such a mess today is because people are no longer following the Word of God. When men disregard the Holy Bible, there is no longer an absolute moral standard; consequently, man becomes his own God. The U.S. Supreme Court flaunted itself above God in 1973, when they legalized abortion. The Supreme Court has a nasty history of overruling God! We saw this in June of 2015 when same-sex civil unions were legalized in America. Where will this evil departure from moral law and God's divine order take our nation?