*Responding to a poster who said that the right wing wants to genocide LGBT people*
Who wants to genocide them? Like you want to do to Christians? Like you are trying to intimidate Trump? And you think having gay porn books in elementary school is somehow a legitimate strategy in making us accept you? Walking naked in parades will endear you to us. Lotsa luck Krommy. Why don't you ban some more people who voice their displeasure.
Who wants to genocide them?
Uhm, YOU?
Like you want to do to Christians?
Nobody wants to “genocide” Christians. We just want Christians (and Muslims and such) to stop being judgmental, xenophobic assholes. It’s not our fault that you can’t tell the difference between “christian” and “asshole”…
Like you are trying to intimidate Trump?
Nobody’s trying to intimidate Trump, we’re trying to CHARGE HIM FOR HIS CRIMES OF TREASON! If anybody other than Trump pulled even HALF of the shit he did, you would be lynching him right now!
Also, why are you even defending Trump when he’s even LESS of a Christian than I am!
“Like you want to do to Christians?”
Pure projection. All we want from you is to detooth you and take away your social power to enforce your insane and barbaric religious laws upon the unwilling.
“having gay porn books in elementary school”
How about you stop lying? You have kids books with lgbt characters in them, there is still not a hint of actual porn. This above is excatly why you need to lose all your social power and clout, because you use it to lie through your teeth and force legislations against medical and educational experts on basis of these lies.
Nobody wants to off you, just make you unable to pass any legislation based upon your deranged book of death.
We don’t want to kill all Christians… the only ones talking about that are actually y’all…
We would just, ya know, prefer it if you’d behave more like your savior. Ya know, the one who said not to judge, had gay and prostitute friends, and told you that only you who have not sinned may throw stones? And, notice, he didn’t throw a stone then so he actually lived by his word… unlike you who do all this awful, vicious, violent shit in his name.
Pink Triangles then. The Church of England dropping their opposition to homosexuality - via their clergy peers in the House of Lords - thus the 2013 Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act. The C-of-E - Christians - existing to this day. Between then and now, the Archbishop of Canterbury said that boys had every right in the world to wear tiaras & tutus if they so wished. Between 2013 and WWII, Oskar Dirlewanger: Nazi and child rapist: ergo, a paedophile.
OP’s opinion status: genocided. By being thrown into a woodchipper.
Exaggeration, false equivalence. False conspiracy theories. Whataboutism, evasion of legitimate criticism with false accusations. If you want to help actual persecuted Christians, look at few places in the world where they really face it. Not allowing a small extremist group to massively abuse the people they foment hate about is not the persecution of their religion, even less their "genocide".
gay porn books in elementary school
That’s in the parallel world where…
…there are polar bears in Antarctica and penguins on Spitsbergen.
…Hunter Biden’s laptop contains a design for a 52-star American flag, for when Puerto Rico and Newfoundland have become US states.
…gay marriage is allowed, but only for six months at a time. If the couple wants to stay married after that, they have to go through the wedding ceremony all over again.
…Billie Eilish did buy a library and replace all the books with shoes.
As far as the “gay porn books” after years and many attempts, one person has managed to actually point out a book that, if what’s claimed to be in there is true, I’d actually have a problem with having in the hands of kids. It’s called “This Book is Gay”, it is a book that’s focused on sexual education for gay kids, and is pretty descriptive of sexual acts, and how to do them safely. That also isn’t nearly the problem I’d have with it.
It does also mention the Grindr app, which, being focused on sex hookups between adults, is a really horrible idea to mention alongside actual sex education. Let kids experience it with each other. Pointing them to Grindr is only going to get them in trouble, the same as if they pointed kids to Tinder.
This is still the one god damn thing they’ve come up with so far I’d actually agree should be pulled from schools, and even just editing out anything referring to Grindr makes it good for me.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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