Listening to all the chicken little liberal bemoaning the take over of Twitter by Musk, the world is facing a worse crisis than Putin's threat to use nukes in the Ukraine. Oh the tears! Listen up my liberal friends, you have more to worry about than Elon buying up a social media platform, You have a midterm election coming up and the real bloodbath will be there as the republicans sweep the dems from power. The pendulum is swinging the other way and I hope we don't go to the extreme that they set up another House Un-american activities committee as I remember from the fifties.
If you enjoyed all the crap the left has caused, all I can say is "You ain't seen nothing yet"
The way things are going for tech companies right now: Facebook, for example. Huge losses.
…what, do you think ol' Musky-boy is running a charity purely for your benefit, o rightards?! He's in it for those sweet, sweet profits.
In the case of social media, that means advertising.
…what II, do you think that he'll continue to subsidise your precious platform, should said advertisers start leaving when rightards like you spew your wrong ‘Opinions'?
Then there's one big reason for his buying the Bird: China.
…what III, do you think he'll allow people there to criticise the CCP? Because you know what’ll happen when not only he denies those users their ‘Freeze Peach': despite what he ‘claims' will happen with his takeover of Twitter. The huge advertising profits to be had in that country with less freedom.
Thus it's not only Elon who'll have struck out, OP…!
Moral: It's not only your tech ‘Saviour' that's left it too late.
Well, Musk just announced the most extreme members, including Donald Trump, would come back.
Former Twitter leadership already accepted Hamas leaders calling to murder children and only banned Trump after his January 6 self-coup; just imagine how it could get worse, starting by the average Gab poster.
I’m just going to say FUCK ELON . I never considered the og Twitter leadership “good” people anyway, but at least they had some standards. But by freely letting countless racists, fascists, and other extreme-right criminals back on to the platform (including spit Trump) to spread their inane vitriol, Elon catapulted himself squarely up my shit list.
I know there is a thing as “free speech”, but personally I think that (like many rights) it stops once you infringe upon that of someone else. What I mean is once people start using their free speech in an attempt to forcibly silence everyone else (like racists and fascists tend to do), they forfeit their own right to said free speech. Plus, by making it seem like those jerkwads are worth debating, you make them feel validated.
@Timjer #145599
One thing for sure this could do is backfire on Musk HORRIBLY, like so badly he quickly tries to sell it off to someone else instead of continue using it for fear that it will harm him economically, but who knows, maybe Musk was just bullshitting us by saying he’s a “free Speech” person and doesn’t do anything regarding Twitter’s policies whatsoever other then being a bit more targeted, which is to say basically banning people who criticize him specifically
the real bloodbath will be there as the republicans sweep the dems from power
And if this red tide doesn't materialize, wingnuts will scream, "The election was stolen!" and lash out with violence. Hopefully we'll handle it better this time.
@Sasha #145719
So far from the polls it seems likely that Republican will regain the House at the very least but… well polls have been wrong for the past years now it seems so now I tend to take them with a grain of salt as the methods that use to work in past polls is clearly starting to fail now, I’m hoping that Michael Moore’s suggestion that due to Roe v Wade getting overturned that it actually causes a Blue tsunami that wasn’t accounted for in the polls as the method to make them didn’t account for them or their sample size was not wide enough but who knows humans are weird sometimes and alot of folks are concerned with the state of the economy over social issues here in the states and Republicans have effectively taken over the messaging even though their policies would cause even more economic hurt to the average American, assuming they actually do anything government wise and not just focus entirely on trying to impeach Joe Biden, either one is going to result in the Republicans getting their asses kick in 2024 as most Americans see through them now. But again, time will tell rather or not the Republican gains back the House or the Democrats get a large majority in both houses (relatively speaking)
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