Fundie Quote of the Year 2016 #announcement blog
Voting is open, let me explain how to ensure your vote counts this year.
Each nominee has a number associated with it in one of the categories below. To vote for that nominee enter it's number into the comment section for that category. I'll be counting the first number I find in the comment and I'll be making sure votes come from unique commenters so please no funny business. Vote in as many or few categories as you like so long as it's only once in each.
Easier than most years since I have all this space to play with. Any questions, comments or general ranting can be addressed here on the subreddit where I'm more likely to look on a regular basis.
To see all of the categories and nothing else click 'Fundies 2016 Voting' below.
As of now I intend to let voting run through the end of the month. With results announced in the following week. Look forward to seeing the results folks.