Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy
How many Jews and a half-schwartz does it take to make a democracy?
One to mix the Manischewitz, one to stuff the mail-in ballots, one to rig the voting machines, and Obama to say “it’s all kosher for me.”
It’s the gift that keeps on crapping on you.
It’s smack right in your face.
Two hooked-nosed kikes hyping democracy.
It’s like two hubcap thieves selling steering wheel locks.
They got your steering wheel all locked up while hijacking your car.
Jews got democracy all locked up while hijacking your elections.
Money, media, and mail-in votes dictate who wins and who loses.
Jews got the money, Jews own the media, and Jews count the votes with rigged scanning machines.
Democracy is like gefilte fish.
It’s an amalgamated mix of carp and pike with the bones already picked out that’s fully kosher for Yids on Shabbos.
Like ‘democracy,’ Jews pick out the bones, amalgamate it with the Democrat party’s carp and the Republican party’s pike, and it’s fully kosher for Jewry’s political taste on election day.
How many Jews does it take to lie, twist, distort, and contort?
Let me put it another way.
How many_ hideous-looking, flea-bitten, Christ-hating kikes infesting Capitol Hill does it take to walk all over the goyim, trample on their concerns, attack their Christian faith, engage in White castration, and advance only that which gives Jews the domineering station?
Jamie Raskin, a metaphor of Jewish power.
Hideous, repulsive, unsavory, the outlines of hell etched from forehead, to sagging jowls, to protruding lower lip, to quadruple chin.
I mean, the “Deicidal Curse”—which the Jews pronounced upon themselves for all generations before Pontius Pilate—has worked every bit of its accursedness all over Raskin’s face.
Jews are marvelous…manipulators!
They lie, twist, cheat, evade, garble, fudge, falsify, slant and skew.
Don’t get upset, it’s just what they do.
Bend over goy.
Let the Jew hump the hebbie-jeebees out of you.