Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Breaking News: Mike Lindell, “THE Pillow Guy,” was just raided by the FBI. We are now officially living in a Weaponized Police State, Rigged Elections, and all. Our Country is a laughing stock all over the World. The majesty of the United States is gone. Can’t let this happen. TAKE BACK AMERICA!

@realdonaldtrump Dictator JOE Biden and his DEMONRATS' gang are an evil-doer, a warmonger,a cheater,a liar and an arrogant tyrant.

@realdonaldtrump Antiwhites are destroying the country. CALL OUT ANTIWHITISM AND WHITE ERASURE YOU TANGERINE.

@realdonaldtrump You continued to let the JEWS destroy us on your watch. You refused to name them as the enemy. Your children married them. You funded them. You are Zionist scum.

@realdonaldtrump They arrest your supporters but not you, Mr. Drumpf. Weird.

Nobody wants to hear from your Judaized pie hole anymore. :vomit:

@realdonaldtrump you are a grifting shill. You had 4 years to change it and did nothing. Then in your final year you lucked us down, installed medical tyranny and poisoned the world in warp speed! Fuck you!

@realdonaldtrump DICTATOR JOE and his DemonRats' Comrades-In-Arms apply their jungle law on innocent people, and political prisoners. The DOJ and FBI are BRANDON'S COMMUNIST APPARATUS!

@realdonaldtrump Finally recognizing the severity of the situation? We have evil men willing to do anything to destroy opponents and maintain power. They were allowed to steal the election, open the border, shut down our energy independence, trample our rights, destroy our military, deplete our strategic reserves, and now have goals to politicize all branches of government and legalize voter fraud for a one-party tyrannical rule. And while in power, they are abusing it with impunity thanks to the propaganda media. Even the Republican party is infiltrated with traitors (controlled opposition). America is at a crucial time in history. Will we preserve our Constitutional Republic or succumb to communism?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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