Phil Defer #psycho #racist

What’s It Like to Work for the Border Patrol?

Do illegals ever make a racial/national appeal to Hispanic agents to get preferential treatment or outright release?

Obviously, they never made that sort of appeal to me except in reverse — I got called racist more than a few times. For the Hispanic agents, they did get appeals that they were all part of the same raza, so why are you arresting me?

Are there any differences in the way agents of different races do their jobs?

No doubt about it that the most corrupt are the Hispanic agents. There are more of them, and they are closer to their ancestral homeland, being asked to stop people who look like them, speak like them, eat the same foods, and listen to the same music. Now, you would think that white Americans would be the best agents, but it seemed like the more obviously racially conscious a white agent was, the worse he was at the job. They seemed to retreat and bitch about the job but rarely make any arrests.

How could the Border Patrol be more effective?

A Biden administration would be devastating. I don’t think agents would have any incentive to go out and catch aliens just to watch them walk out the door again.

What did you like best about working for Border Patrol?

I loved hearing about how an agent defied our supervisors and got into a high-speed pursuit and made a bust despite them. I miss running down aliens after they scattered from a bust. I hated it when they got away, but it was so rewarding to grab them and ruin their stay. We had stickers that read “Border Patrol: Crushing Dreams” pasted around the office.



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